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dxX509Certificate Unit


Name Description
EdxX509Exception The exception class for errors that can occur during operations with X.509 certificates.
TdxX509Certificate An X.509 certificate.
TdxX509CertificateList A collection of X.509 certificates.
TdxX509Store A wrapper class for an X.509 certificate store in Microsoft CryptoAPI.


Name Description
TdxX509CertificateKeyUsageFlag Enumerates purposes of an X.509 certificate key.
TdxX509StoreLocation Enumerates available locations of an X.509 certificate store.
TdxX509StoreMode Enumerates X.509 certificate store access modes.
TdxX509StoreName Enumerates names of X.509 certificate system stores.


Name Description
dxX509IsUsableForDigitalSignature(TdxX509Certificate) Identifies if it is possible to use a specified X.509 certificate to sign documents.


Name Description
TdxX509CertificateKeyUsageFlags A set of flags that determines the purpose of an X.509 certificate key.