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dxScreenTip Unit


Name Description
TdxCustomScreenTipBand The base class for classes implementing sections in a ScreenTip window.
TdxCustomScreenTipLink The base class for ScreenTip links that map ScreenTips to associated objects.
TdxCustomScreenTipLinks The base class for collections of ScreenTip links.
TdxScreenTip An enhanced ScreenTip.
TdxScreenTipActionLink A link between a ScreenTip and an action assigned to one or more hinted controls.
TdxScreenTipActionLinks A collection of links established between ScreenTips and actions assigned to hinted controls.
TdxScreenTipBand A section in a ScreenTip window.
TdxScreenTipCollection A ScreenTip collection.
TdxScreenTipFooterBand The TdxScreenTipFooterBand class implements the ScreenTip’s footer section that can be defined on a set of ScreenTips.
TdxScreenTipLink A link between a hinted control and an associated ScreenTip.
TdxScreenTipLinks A collection of links established between hinted controls and associated ScreenTips.
TdxScreenTipRepository A ScreenTip repository.
TdxScreenTipStyle Contains style settings for ScreenTips controlled by the TcxHintStyleController component.




Name Description
TdxScreenTipBandTextAlign Enumerates available horizontal alignment options for the ScreenTip’s descriptive text.


Name Description
TdxScreenTipRepositoryFonts Enumerates ScreenTip sections to which font settings will be applied.