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TcxCanvas.CopyRect(TRect,TCanvas,TRect) Method

Draws a portion of a VCL canvas on the current canvas.


procedure CopyRect(const Dest: TRect; ACanvas: TCanvas; const Source: TRect);


Name Type
Dest TRect
ACanvas TCanvas
Source TRect


Call this procedure and pass a source VCL canvas as the ACanvas parameter. Use the Source and Dest parameters to specify a rectangular portion of the source canvas and the target area of the current canvas. The CopyRect procedure uses the active bitmap draw mode and stretches or shrinks the copied portion if the source and destination rectangles do not match in size.

If you need to copy content between GDI-based DevExpress canvas, use the Canvas property of the source canvas in a CopyRect procedure call. The following code example copies the ARect2 rectangle from the cxCanvas2 canvas to the ARect1 rectangle on the cxCanvas1 canvas:

cxCanvas1.CopyRect(ARect1, cxCanvas2.Canvas, ARect2);


The CopyRect procedure calls the CopyRect procedure for the underlying canvas.

See Also