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Accessibility Support

  • 2 minutes to read

Accessibility interfaces allow DevExpress controls to exchange information with third-party applications, such as accessibility tools.

UI Automation-Based Accessibility

UI Automation-based accessibility features (such as Microsoft Narrator) rely on the Microsoft UI Automation (UIA) framework to obtain information about UI elements in an application.

Controls with UI Automation Support

All DevExpress controls listed in this section store accessibility-related information (such as public name, description, type) and raise UI Automation events.


In v24.1, all standalone[1] editors listed in this section publish the Properties.Automation property. You can use this property to add or customize accessibility-related information and handle UI Automation events.

TcxButtonEdit | TcxDBButtonEdit
A single-line text editor with one or more embedded buttons.[2]
TcxCheckBox | TcxDBCheckBox
A check box.
TcxLabel | TcxDBLabel
An uneditable plain text label.
TcxRadioGroup | TcxDBRadioGroup
A group of radio buttons that allow users to select an option.[3]
TcxTextEdit | TcxDBTextEdit
A single-line text editor.

Miscellaneous UI Controls

Each of the controls in the list below publishes an Automation[4] property. You can use this property to add or customize accessibility-related information and handle UI Automation events.

An enhanced counterpart of the standard TButton component.
A group box.
A standalone radio button.
A resizable general-purpose panel with customizable borders.


All DevExpress form classes (TdxCustomForm and TdxForm descendants) support UI Automation interfaces.

Microsoft Active Accessibility (Deprecated)

The following DevExpress products include partial accessibility support through Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) interfaces:

Each control in these libraries creates MSAA tree nodes that expose the UI structure and other information to third-party accessibility applications.


Support for MSAA interfaces in ExpressNavBar and ExpressBars is for backward compatibility only. DevExpress neither adds MSAA support to other products nor fixes bugs in existing MSAA-related APIs. Instead, we plan to add support for UI Automation-based accessibility to other products in future versions.

  1. In v24.1, in-place editors cannot interact with third-party applications through UI Automation interfaces.

  2. Each embedded editor button has its own Automation property.

  3. Each radio group item has its own Automation property.

  4. Use the following links to navigate to corresponding topic descriptions: