TcxCanvas.DrawTexT(string,TRect,TAlignment,TcxAlignmentVert,Boolean,Boolean) Method
Draws formatted text within a specified rectangle on the canvas.
procedure DrawTexT(const Text: string; R: TRect; AAlignmentHorz: TAlignment; AAlignmentVert: TcxAlignmentVert; AMultiLine: Boolean; AShowEndEllipsis: Boolean); overload;
Name | Type | Description |
Text | string | A text string to display. |
R | TRect | The target rectangle on the canvas. |
AAlignment |
TAlignment | Enumerates available horizontal text alignment options. |
AAlignment |
Tcx |
Enumerates available vertical text alignment options. |
AMulti |
Boolean | Specifies if the procedure can split up displayed text into multiple lines. |
AShow |
Boolean | Specifies if the procedure shows an ellipsis at the end of the displayed text string if it does not fit into the target rectangle. |
Call this procedure and pass a text string as the Text parameter to draw the string within a rectangle passed as the R parameter. The DrawTexT procedure uses the background color and font settings of the canvas to draw text.
Use the AAlignmentHorz and AAlignmentVert parameters to position text within the target rectangle. Pass True as the AMultiLine parameter to break down text into multiple lines if it does not fit into the target rectangle width. Additionally, you can pass True as the AShowEndEllipsis parameter to crop the last portion of text that does not fit into the target rectangle, and display an ellipsis at the end.
The following code is a TcxCustomGridTableView.OnCustomDrawPartBackground event handler that wraps a caption into multiple lines and shows an ellipsis at the end if the caption does not fit into the “Group By” box.
procedure TViewTableSimpleDemoMainForm.cxgFilmsDBTableViewCustomDrawPartBackground(
Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView; ACanvas: TcxCanvas;
AViewInfo: TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo; var ADone: Boolean);
FBounds: TRect;
FBounds := AViewInfo.Bounds;
InflateRect(FBounds, -150, -4);
OffsetRect(FBounds, 140, 0);
ACanvas.DrawText('This is the Group By box. ' +
'It is used to group records by field values. ' +
'Drag a column header here to group by that field.',
FBounds, cxWordBreak or cxShowEndEllipsis);
ADone := True;