dxCloudStorage Unit
Name | Description |
EdxCloudStorageExternalErrorException | |
TdxCloudStorage | A cloud storage component. |
TdxCloudStorageCustomFolder | The base class for all classes that implement metadata containers corresponding to ordinary, special, and root folders on a connected cloud storage’s server. |
TdxCloudStorageFile | A metadata container corresponding to an individual file stored on a connected online cloud storage’s server. |
TdxCloudStorageFiles | The base class for all classes that implement cloud file storage managers. |
TdxCloudStorageFolder | A metadata container corresponding to a folder within the cloud storage content structure. |
TdxCloudStorageFolderChildren | A list of nested online resources within a cloud folder. |
TdxCloudStorageFolderList | A list of folders. |
TdxCloudStorageItem | The base class for all classes that implement metadata containers corresponding to individual resources (such as folders and files) stored on a connected online cloud storage’s server. |
TdxCloudStorageItemList | A list of online resource metadata containers. |
TdxCloudStorageItemList<T> | The base class for all classes that implement lists of online resources for the cloud storage component. |
TdxCloudStorageItemPermission | A permission to view or edit a file or folder in an online storage. |
TdxCloudStorageItemPermissions | A collection of permissions to view or edit a file or folder located on a connected storage server. |
TdxCloudStorageOAuth2Provider | The base class for all classes that implement cloud storage data providers that use the OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol. |
TdxCloudStorageProvider | The base class for all classes that implement cloud storage data providers. |
TdxCloudStorageRoot | A metadata container corresponding to the root of the cloud file storage in the connected account. |
TdxCloudStorageSpecialFolder | A metadata container corresponding to a special folder provided by the cloud file storage in the connected account. |
TdxCloudStorageSpecialFolderList | A list of special folders. |
Name | Description |
TdxCloudStorageItemPermissionScope | Enumerates available access permission scopes. |
TdxCloudStorageSpecialFolder.TType |
Name | Description |
TdxCloudStorage.TErrorEvent | The cloud storage error event type. |
TdxCloudStorage.TFileContentUploadedEvent | The nested procedural type of the existing file update success notification event. |
TdxCloudStorage.TFileContentUploadEvent | The nested procedural type of the existing file update progress tracking event. |
TdxCloudStorage.TFileContentUploadingEvent | The nested procedural type of the existing file update initiation event. |
TdxCloudStorage.TFolderChangeEvent | The procedural type of the cloud folder state change event. |
TdxCloudStorage.TItemChangedEvent | The procedural type of the cloud resource state change event. |
TdxCloudStorage.TItemDownloadedEvent | The nested procedural type of the file download success notification event. |
TdxCloudStorage.TItemDownloadEvent | The nested procedural type of the file download progress tracking event. |
TdxCloudStorage.TItemDownloadingEvent | The nested procedural type of the file download initiation event. |
TdxCloudStorage.TItemPermissionChangedEvent | The nested procedural type of access permission change events. |
TdxCloudStorage.TItemUploadedEvent | The nested procedural type of the file upload success notification event. |
TdxCloudStorage.TItemUploadEvent | The nested procedural type of the file upload progess tracking event. |
TdxCloudStorage.TItemUploadingEvent | The nested procedural type of the file upload initiation event. |
TdxCloudStorageFileProgressCallback | The callback procedural type designed to track file upload and download progress. |
TdxCloudStorageProviderClass | The class-reference to a cloud storage data provider class. |
TdxCloudStorageSpecialFolderList.TEnumProc |