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TcxCustomCanvas.DrawBitmap(TdxGpFastDIB,TRect,TRect,TAlphaFormat,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Method

Draws a specified bitmap on the canvas.


procedure DrawBitmap(ABitmap: TdxGpFastDIB; const ATargetRect: TRect; const ASourceRect: TRect; AAlphaFormat: TAlphaFormat; ACache: PcxCanvasBasedImage = nil); overload; virtual;


Name Type
ABitmap TdxGpFastDIB
ATargetRect TRect
ASourceRect TRect
AAlphaFormat TAlphaFormat
ACache PcxCanvasBasedImage


Call any of the eight overloaded DrawBitmap procedure variants to draw a bitmap from a specified source on the canvas. The following table lists all overloaded variants and their parameters breakdown:

Overloaded Variant



This procedure variant accepts a TBitmap container and a target rectangle on the canvas as the ABitmap and ATargetRect parameters, respectively.


This procedure variant accepts a TBitmap container (ABitmap), a target rectangle on the canvas (ATargetRect), and a reserved byte interpretation mode (AAlphaFormat). All overloaded DrawBitamp procedure variants work identically in all reserved byte interpretation modes. Pass the corresponding value as the last parameter to:

  • Ignore reserved bytes (afIgnored).

  • Treat all TRGBQuad values in the source bitmap as RGBA values (afDefined).

  • Load reserved bytes as alpha values and treat red, green, and blue values as pre-multiplied by the corresponding alpha values (afPremultiplied).


This procedure variant works similarly to the first variant. In addition, the third variant accepts a rectangle on the source bitmap (ASourceRect) to allow you to draw a rectangular portion of the bitmap.


This procedure variant works similarly to the second variant. Like the third variant, the second variant accepts a rectangle on the source bitmap as the ASourceRect parameter.


This procedure variant accepts a memory DC-based DIB image buffer as the image source (ABitmap), a target rectangle on the canvas (ATargetRect) and a reserved byte interpretation mode (AAlphaFormat).


This procedure variant works similarly to the fifth variant. In addition, the sixth variant accepts a source rectangle as the ASourceRect parameter to allow you to draw a rectangular portion of the source image buffer.


This procedure variant accepts a GDI+ API-based DIB image buffer as the image source (ABitmap), a target rectangle on the canvas (ATargetRect) and a reserved byte interpretation mode (AAlphaFormat).


This procedure variant works similarly to the seventh variant. In addition, the eighth variant accepts a source rectangle as the ASourceRect parameter to allow you to draw a rectangular portion of the source image buffer.


The ACache optional parameter is not intended for use in your code. Only the internal Direct2D-based draw routines use this parameter.

See Also