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TcxCanvas.Arc(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) Method

Draws an elliptically curved line on the canvas.


procedure Arc(X1: Integer; Y1: Integer; X2: Integer; Y2: Integer; X3: Integer; Y3: Integer; X4: Integer; Y4: Integer); reintroduce; overload;


Name Type
X1 Integer
Y1 Integer
X2 Integer
Y2 Integer
X3 Integer
Y3 Integer
X4 Integer
Y4 Integer


These overloaded procedures draw a part of an ellipse counterclockwise from the start to end point on the ellipse’s outline. Specify the coordinates of the left-top and right-bottom corners of the base ellipse’s bounding rectangle as the X1, Y1, X2, and Y2 parameters.

The draw start point is an intersection between the base ellipse outline and a line that connects the center of the ellipse and the point whose coordinates are passed as the X3 and Y3 parameters. Likewise, the end point is an intersection of the base ellipse outline and a line between the center and the point defined by the X4 and Y4 coordinates.

The first overloaded Arc procedure variant uses the Pen settings to draw an elliptically curved line, while the second variant allows you to specify the line’s color and width as the AColor and APenWidth parameters, respectively.


If you need to draw a series of interconnected elliptically curved lines, call the ArcTo procedure instead.

See Also