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dxSpellCheckerCore Unit


Name Description
TdxSpellCheckerAutoCorrectExceptions A collection of words that won’t be automatically corrected by the spell checker.
TdxSpellCheckerAutoCorrectReplacementList A collection of words used by the spell checker as replacements in the AutoCorrect checking mode.
TdxSpellCheckerCustomAutoCorrectOptions Contains the AutoCorrect checking mode’s options.
TdxSpellCheckerCustomCheckAsYouTypeOptions The base class for classes that contain options for the Check As You Type checking mode.
TdxSpellCheckerCustomOptions The base class for the spell-checking options, and the Check As You Type and AutoCorrect checking mode options.
TdxSpellCheckerReplacement An entry that contains a word to be replaced and its corresponding replacement.
TdxSpellCheckerReplacementList A collection of word-replacement pairs used for the spell checker’s automatic correction feature.


Name Description
TdxSpellCheckerAutoCorrectWordRange Contains information on a replacement made in AutoCorrect checking mode.