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TcxCanvas.DrawRegion(TcxRegionHandle,TColor,TColor,Integer,Integer) Method

Draws a specified region on the canvas.


procedure DrawRegion(ARegion: TcxRegionHandle; AContentColor: TColor = clDefault; ABorderColor: TColor = clDefault; ABorderWidth: Integer = 1; ABorderHeight: Integer = 1); overload;


Name Type
ARegion TcxRegionHandle
AContentColor TColor
ABorderColor TColor
ABorderWidth Integer
ABorderHeight Integer


Call either of the overloaded procedures to draw a region with the specified outline and fill colors. The first procedure variant accepts a target region while the second variant accepts a handle to the target region as the ARegion parameter. Pass the required solid fill and outline colors as the AContentColor and ABorderColor parameters. Additionally, you can pass pixel width and height of the vertical and horizontal brush strokes that form the region outline.


The DrawRegion procedures call the FillRegion and FrameRegion procedures internally to draw a filled region and its outline.

See Also