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TcxCustomCanvas.FillRect(TRect,TdxGPImage,PcxCanvasBasedImage) Method

Draws a filled rectangle.


procedure FillRect(const R: TRect; AImage: TdxGPImage; ACache: PcxCanvasBasedImage = nil); overload; virtual;


Name Type
R TRect
AImage TdxGPImage
ACache PcxCanvasBasedImage


Call any of the four FillRect overloaded procedure variants pass a rectangle as the R parameter to draw the filled rectangle on the canvas. The first three variants use the AColor parameter value to fill the rectangle with a solid color. The last variant fills the rectangle with an image instead of a color.

Overloaded Variant



This procedure variant accepts a TColor value (AColor) to fill the target rectangle with a single non-transparent color.


This variant accepts TColor (AColor), and alpha values (from 0 to 255, as the AAlpha parameter) to fill the target rectangle with a single transparent color.


This variant accepts a single TdxAlphaColor as the AColor parameter to fill the target rectangle with a transparent color.


This FillRect procedure variant supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended for use in your code. The AImage parameter accepts an image in a DirectX-specific format that only internal Direct2D-based draw routines use.


This procedure variant accepts a Smart Image container (a TdxGPImage descendant, as the AImage parameter) to fill the target rectangle with a stored image.


The ACache optional parameter is not intended for use in your code. Only the internal Direct2D-based draw routines use this parameter.

See Also