BarSeries Class
Displays data as individual bars grouped by arguments, and each bar height is determined by the data value.
Namespace: DevExpress.Maui.Charts
Assembly: DevExpress.Maui.Charts.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Maui.Charts
public class BarSeries :
#Example #1
The following example creates a bar series, populates it with data, and configures the settings of the y-axis assigned to the series:
<dx:BarSeries DisplayName="Volume">
<dx:SeriesDataAdapter DataSource="{Binding StockPrices}" ArgumentDataMember="Date">
<dx:ValueDataMember Type="Value" Member="Volume" />
<dx:SeriesCrosshairOptions PointTextPattern="Volume: ${V$#,###}" />
<dx:BarSeriesStyle Fill="#ff2196F3"/>
<dx:AxisLayout Anchor1="0" Anchor2="0.25" />
<dx:AxisLabel Position="Inside" TextFormat="$#"/>
<dx:AxisStyle MajorGridlinesVisible="True"
#Example #2
The following example creates a bar series, and colors each point based on the range to which the point belongs:
<dx:BarSeries LegendTextPattern="{}Profit from {CLV}% to {CHV}%">
DataSource="{Binding CryptocurrencyPortfolioData}"
<dx:ValueDataMember Type="Value" Member="Profit"/>
<dx:BarSeriesLabel Position="Outside"
<dx:ColorStop Color="Green" Value1="0" Value2="100"/>
<dx:ColorStop Color="Red" Value1="0" Value2="-100"/>
#Example #3
The following example creates a bar series, and colors its points with colors from the palette:
<dx:SeriesDataAdapter DataSource="{Binding Path=ComponentReplyInfos}" ArgumentDataMember="ComponentName">
<dx:ValueDataMember Type="Value" Member="Count"/>
<dx:ColorEachPointColorizer x:Name="col">
<x:Array Type="{x:Type Color}">