DevExpress.Maui.Editors Namespace
Contains classes and interfaces that implement the data editor functionality.
Assembly: DevExpress.Maui.Editors.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Maui.Editors
Name | Description |
AsyncItemsSourceProvider | A data provider that supplies suggestions for the AutoCompleteEdit in async mode. |
AutoCompleteEdit | A text editor that suggests values as a user enters characters into the edit box. |
AutoCompleteEditActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
AutoCompleteEditBase | The base class for editors that allow users to select items from a list. The item list can be filtered using the input query and updated asynchronously. |
AutoCompleteEditBaseActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
AutoCompleteEditTextChangedEventArgs | Contains data for the AutoCompleteEditBase.TextChanged event. |
AutoCompleteTokenEdit | An editor for single or multiple item selection that allows you to load items dynamically based on the user input and your custom logic. |
AutoCompleteTokenEditActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
CalendarCellAppearance | Stores appearance settings for calendar cells. |
CalendarCellData | Stores internal information used to render a calendar cell. |
CalendarDayCellAppearance | Stores appearance settings for day cells. |
CalendarDayOfWeekCellAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the days of the week. |
CalendarHeaderAppearance | Stores appearance settings for calendar headers. |
CalendarHeaderViewModel | Contains information about the calendar header. |
CalendarMonthCellAppearance | Stores appearance settings for month cells. |
CalendarSelectableCellAppearance | Stores appearance settings for calendar cells in the selected and disabled states. |
CalendarYearCellAppearance | Stores appearance settings for year cells. |
CheckEdit | A checkbox that supports the indeterminate state. |
CheckEditActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
Chip | A chip that allows users to trigger an action. |
ChipActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
ChipEventArgs | Provides data for events that allow you to customize chips. |
ChipGenerationEventArgs | Provides data for the ChipGeneration event. |
ChipGroup | A base class for chip groups. |
ChipGroupActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
ChoiceChipGroup | A chip group that allows users to select a single chip. |
ChoiceChipGroupActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
ComboBoxEdit | A combo box editor. |
ComboBoxEditActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
ComboBoxEditBase | A base class for combo boxes. |
ComboBoxEditBaseActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
CompletedEventArgs | Provides data for the Completed event. |
CustomDayOfWeekCellAppearanceEventArgs | Stores arguments for the DXCalendar.CustomDayOfWeekCellAppearance and DateEdit.PickerCustomDayOfWeekCellAppearance events. |
CustomSelectableCellAppearanceEventArgs | Stores arguments for the DXCalendar.CustomDayCellAppearance and DateEdit.PickerCustomDayCellAppearance events. |
DateEdit | An editor that displays a date in a specific format. Users can select a date within a cross-platform customizable or platform-specific native date picker. |
DateEditActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
DateEditPickerButtonAreaViewModel | A View Model used to get information about a DateEdit picker. |
DateTimeConverter | Converts the TimeSpan values to DateTime and vice versa. |
DayOfWeekCellData | Stores information about a calendar cell that contains a day of the week. |
DetailEditFormPage | A form that is used to edit a data control item. |
DetailFormPage | A form that is used to show detail information about a data control item. |
DisableDateEventArgs | Stores data for the DisableDate event. |
DisplayData | Stores internal information used to render the calendar’s visual elements. |
DXCalendar | A cross-platform customizable calendar. |
DXCalendarActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
DXCalendarCommands | Provides access to DXCalendar commands. |
DXRangeSlider | A component that allows you to select a range of numeric values. |
DXSlider | A component that allows you to select a numeric value. |
DXSliderBase | A base class for a slider. |
DXSliderThumbAppearance | An object that includes appearance properties of the Slider’s thumb. |
DXSliderTickmarkAppearance | An object that includes appearance properties of the Slider’s tick mark. |
DXSliderTooltipAppearance | An object that includes appearance properties of the Slider’s tooltip. |
DXSliderTrackAppearance | An object that includes appearance properties of the Slider’s track. |
EditBase | The base class for all data editors. |
EditBaseActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
EditorLocalizer | An object that localizes the text lines displayed in the Data Editors. |
FilterChangedEventArgs | Contains data for FilterChanged, FilterChanged, and FilterChanged events. |
FilterCheckedChipGroupItem | A filter item that allows you to select multiple options from a set of chips. |
FilterCheckedChipGroupItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterCheckedChipGroupItem. |
FilterCheckedChipGroupItemBase | A base class for chip group filter items that support multiple selection. |
FilterCheckedListItem | A filter item that allows users to select multiple options from a checkbox list. |
FilterCheckedListItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterCheckedListItem. |
FilterCheckedListPickerItem | A filter item that allows users to select items from a checked list shown in a separate dialog. |
FilterCheckedListPickerItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterCheckedListPickerItem. |
FilterCheckedListPickerViewModel | A View Model used in the FilterCheckedListPickerItem class. |
FilterCheckItem | A filter item that allows you to use a check box to filter data control items by boolean values. |
FilterCheckItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterCheckItem. |
FilterCheckItemBase | A base class for filter check items. |
FilterCheckItemBaseActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterCheckItemBase. |
FilterChipGroup | A chip group that allows users to select multiple chips. |
FilterChipGroupItem | A filter item that allows you to select a single option from a set of chips. |
FilterChipGroupItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterChipGroupItem. |
FilterChipGroupItemBase | A base class for filter chip groups. |
FilterChipGroupItemBaseActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterChipGroupItemBase. |
FilterDateRangeItem | A filter item that allows you to filter data control items by date-time range values. |
FilterDateRangeItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterDateRangeItem. |
FilteredItemsSourceProvider | A data provider that supplies suggestions for the AutoCompleteEdit in sync mode. |
FilterElementCustomDisplayTextEventArgs | Contains data for FilterListItemBase.CustomDisplayText and FilterChipGroupItemBase.CustomDisplayText events. |
FilterFormItemBase | A base class for filter form items. |
FilterItemBase | A base class for filter items. |
FilterItemBaseActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterItemBase. |
FilterListItemBase | A base class for filter list items. |
FilterListItemBaseActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterListItemBase. |
FilterListPickerBaseViewModel | A View Model used in the FilterListPickerItemBase descendants. |
FilterListPickerItemBase | A base class for filter list pickers. |
FilterNumericRangeItem | A filter item that allows you to filter data control items by numeric range values. |
FilterNumericRangeItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterNumericRangeItem. |
FilterNumericRangeItemBase | A base class for a filter item that allows you to filter out data control items whose values are outside the specified range. |
FilterNumericRangeSliderItem | A filter item that allows you to filter data control items by numeric range values when a user changes range slider values. |
FilterNumericRangeSliderItemActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
FilterRadioListItem | A filter item that allows users to select a single option from a radio-button list. |
FilterRadioListItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterRadioListItem. |
FilterRadioListPickerItem | A filter item that allows users to select a singe option from a list shown in a separate dialog. |
FilterRadioListPickerItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterRadioListPickerItem. |
FilterRadioListPickerViewModel | A View Model used in the filter radio list picker. |
FilterRangeItemBase | A base class for filter range items. |
FilterRangeItemBaseActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterRangeItemBase. |
FilterSwitchItem | A filter item that allows you to toggle a switch to filter data control items by boolean values. |
FilterSwitchItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterSwitchItem. |
FilterTextChangedEventArgs | Contains data for the FilterTextChanged event. |
FormCheckItem | A check box element that serves as a single item in a composite UI structure such as a data entry form, profile page, menu, action sheet, or settings panel. |
FormCheckItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FormCheckItem. |
FormCheckItemBase | The base class for form check items. |
FormGroupItem | A component that allows you to arrange form items on the page. |
FormGroupItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FormGroupItem. |
FormItem | A list element that serves as a single item in a composite UI structure such as a data entry form, profile page, menu, action sheet, or settings panel. |
FormItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FormItem. |
FormItemBase | A base class for form items. |
FormItemBaseActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FormItemBase. |
FormListPickerItem | A list element that allows users to select options in a picker. This component serves as a single item in a composite UI structure such as a data entry form, profile page, menu, action sheet, or settings panel. You can show picker list items in a page, bottom sheet or popup. |
FormListPickerItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FormListPickerItem. |
FormListPickerItemBaseActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FilterListPickerItemBase. |
FormListPickerItemCommands | Contains commands of FormListPickerItem. |
FormPickerItemBase | A base class for list pickers. |
FormPickerItemBaseActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FormPickerItemBase. |
FormPickerItemBaseCommands | Returns commands of the FormPickerItemBase class. |
FormPickerViewModel | A View Model used in the FormPickerItemBase descendants. |
FormSwitchItem | A switch element that serves as a single item in a composite UI structure such as a data entry form, profile page, menu, action sheet, or settings panel. |
FormSwitchItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the FormSwitchItem. |
ImageEdit | A component that allows you to edit images. |
ImageEditActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
ImageEditCommands |
Provides access to ImageEdit commands.
Initializer static |
Contains the Init() method that initializes classes from the DevExpress.Maui.Editors namespace.
InputChipGroup | A chip group that allows users to input a new chip. |
InputChipGroupActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
ItemsEditBase | A base class for the AutoComplete, Token, and ComboBox edits. |
ItemsEditBaseActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
ItemsRequestEventArgs | Contains data for the ItemsRequested event. |
ItemsSourceProviderBase | A base class for providers that supply suggestions for the AutoCompleteEdit. |
MultilineEdit | A multi-line text editor. |
MultilineEditActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
NumericEdit | An editor that displays a numeric value and allows a user to edit the value (enter a number in the edit box or use spin buttons to decrease/increase the value). |
NumericEditActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
PasswordEdit | An editor that allows users to enter and manage passwords. |
PasswordEditActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
PickerShowingEventArgs | Contains data for the PickerShowing event. |
PredefinedFilterCheckedChipGroupItem | A filter item that allows you to select multiple options from a set of predefined chips. |
PredefinedFilterCheckedChipGroupItemActualAppearance | Stores appearance settings for the PredefinedFilterCheckedChipGroupItem. |
SelectableChipGroup | A base class for chip groups that allow users to select (check) single or multiple chips. |
SelectableChipGroupActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
TextEdit | A single-line text editor. |
TextEditActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
TextEditBase | The base class for text editors. |
TextEditBaseActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
TimeEdit | An editor that allows users to specify a time. The editor supports 12- and 24-hour formats. |
TimeEditActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
TokenAppearance | An object that contains a TokenEdit and AutoCompleteTokenEdit item’s appearance properties. |
TokenEdit | An editor for single or multiple item selection with a predefined item source. |
TokenEditActualAppearance | An appearance object. |
Name | Description |
ChipEventHandler | A base class for event handlers that allow you to customize chips. |
ChipGenerationEventHandler | A handler for the ChipGeneration event. |
CompletedEventHandler | A handler for the Completed event. |
Name | Description |
AutoCompleteEditTextChangeReason | Enumerates values that specify how the text in an AutoCompleteEdit was changed. |
AutofillContentType | Contains constants that identify the semantic meaning for an editor. |
BoxMode | Lists values that specify editor box types. |
CharacterCasing | Lists values that specify how to case characters that a user enters in an editor. |
CharacterCounterVisibility | Lists values that specify whether to display the character counter. |
CheckBoxPosition | Enumerates values that specify the position of a checkbox in the parent layout. |
CropAreaShape | The crop area shape. |
DateAutofillContentType | Contains constants that identify the semantic meaning for a date editor. |
DropDownShowMode | Lists components that can be used to display drop-down list items.’ |
DXCalendarViewType | Enumerates values that identify views (day, month, and year) in the DXCalendar component and DateEdit component’s date picker. |
EditorStringId | Contains values corresponding to strings that can be localized. |
ImageFormat | The image format. |
LoadingProgressMode | Enumerates values that specify whether a wait indicator is displayed automatically or manually. |
OverflowMode | Lists values that specify that the editor contains the maximum number of characters. |
PasswordAutofillContentType | Contains constants that identify whether an autofill service can populate a password editor. |
PickerPageButtonPosition | Lists values that define the button position within the picker page. |
SliderTooltipShowMode | Sets when to display the tooltip. |
TimeFormatMode | Enumerates values that specify whether the time displayed in 12- or 24-hour format. |
UpDownIconAlignment | Enumerates values that specify how the up and down buttons that increase and decrease the value are aligned in an editor. |