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DataViewBase.WaitIndicatorType Property

Gets or sets a value that specifies how async data loading operations are indicated within the grid. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Grid.Core


public WaitIndicatorType WaitIndicatorType { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A WaitIndicatorType enumeration value that specifies how async data loading operations are indicated within the grid.

Available values:

Name Description

Background operations are indicated within a dedicated indicator button. For the grid control, these operations are indicated within the Header Panel Button.


Background operations are indicated within a special panel displayed above a control.


Background operations are not indicated.


The DXGrid control supports Instant Feedback UI Mode - an asynchronous mode. With this mode, you will no longer experience any UI freezing. Data operations will be performed asynchronously, in a background thread and both the Grid Control and your application will always be highly responsive. The user can continue to scroll through records, and even re-sort, re-group and re-filter the control’s data.

To provide visual feedback, the grid shows a wait indicator. Its type is specified by the WaitIndicatorType property. By default, background operations are indicated within a dedicated indicator button.


Set the WaitIndicatorType property to WaitIndicatorType.Panel to display a special panel above a grid control (see the image below). Its layout and appearance can be changed via the DataViewBase.WaitIndicatorStyle property.


See Also