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Allowed Filters

  • 2 minutes to read

You can use the following properties to specify the allowed filters:

Property Description
ColumnBase.AllowedUnaryFilters Gets or sets unary filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
ColumnBase.AllowedBinaryFilters Gets or sets binary filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
ColumnBase.AllowedAnyOfFilters Gets or sets any of filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
ColumnBase.AllowedDateTimeFilters Gets or sets date-time filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
ColumnBase.AllowedBetweenFilters Gets or sets between filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
ColumnBase.AllowedDataAnalysisFilters Gets or sets data analysis filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
DataViewBase.AllowedGroupFilters Gets or sets group filters that the GridControl supports.
ColumnBase.AllowedAggregateFilters Gets or sets aggregate filters that the GridControl column supports.
ColumnBase.AllowedFormatConditionFilters Gets or sets whether the GridControl‘s column supports conditional formatting filters.

These properties are nullable flag enums. The default value is null - if the GridControl is bound to a virtual source, all filters are disabled; otherwise, enabled.

When all filters are disabled:

Usage Notes