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TdxCustomRangeControl.ClientProperties Property

Provides access to the data range selection and visualization model currently employed by the range control.


property ClientProperties: TdxRangeControlCustomClientProperties read; write;

Property Value



You can use this property to customize settings of the current data range selection and visualization model. For detailed information, refer to the descriptions of particular data range model classes:

Data Range Model

Data Range Selection Model Class





If this data range selection model is active, you can use the range control to select a range of numeric values. The actual numeric value type is determined by the control’s ClientProperties.RangeValueType property value.



This data range selection model allows you to use the range control to select a range of date/time values. The actual measurement unit (and therefore, the minimal selected range) is determined by the currently active scale specified by the control’s ClientProperties.Scale property.

Date/Time Header


This data range selection model is similar to Date/Time. In this case, however, the range control is capable of displaying multiple scales on its ruler. The scale used to determine the minimal selected range is specified by the control’s ClientProperties.PrimaryScale property.



This data range selection model allows you to use the range control as the Scheduler control’s date navigator.

If a TcxScheduler control instance is assigned as the range control’s client, the Scheduler data range selection model automatically becomes active, allowing you to select a date/time range and display it on the scheduler’s active View. Conversely, the range control updates its date/time range every time the date/time selection is changed within the Scheduler control.

As in the case of Date/Time Header, the range control can display multiple scales at once when the Scheduler data range selection model is active.

To either assign or change the data range selection and visualization model, use the ClientPropertiesClass or ClientPropertiesClassName property.

See Also