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TdxMessageDialogForm Events

The form class that implements a message dialog box with support for DevExpress look & feel settings.
Name Description
HyperlinkClickProc Specifies the message dialog form’s hyperlink click handler procedure.
OnActivate Inherited from TCustomForm.
OnAfterMonitorDpiChanged Inherited from TCustomForm.
OnAlignInsertBefore Inherited from TWinControl.
OnAlignPosition Inherited from TWinControl.
OnBeforeMonitorDpiChanged Inherited from TCustomForm.
OnCanResize Inherited from TControl.
OnClick Inherited from TControl.
OnClose Inherited from TCustomForm.
OnCloseQuery Inherited from TCustomForm.
OnConstrainedResize Inherited from TControl.
OnContextPopup Inherited from TControl.
OnCreate Inherited from TCustomForm.
OnDblClick Inherited from TControl.
OnDeactivate Inherited from TCustomForm.
OnDestroy Inherited from TCustomForm.
OnDockDrop Inherited from TWinControl.
OnDockOver Inherited from TWinControl.
OnDragDrop Inherited from TControl.
OnDragOver Inherited from TControl.
OnEndDock Inherited from TControl.
OnEndDrag Inherited from TControl.
OnEnter Inherited from TWinControl.
OnExit Inherited from TWinControl.
OnGesture Inherited from TControl.
OnGetSiteInfo Inherited from TWinControl.
OnHelp Inherited from TCustomForm.
OnHide Inherited from TCustomForm.
OnKeyDown Inherited from TWinControl.
OnKeyPress Inherited from TWinControl.
OnKeyUp Inherited from TWinControl.
OnMouseActivate Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseDown Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseEnter Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseLeave Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseMove Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseUp Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheel Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheelDown Inherited from TControl.
OnMouseWheelUp Inherited from TControl.
OnPaint Inherited from TCustomForm.
OnResize Inherited from TControl.
OnShortCut Inherited from TCustomForm.
OnShow Inherited from TCustomForm.
OnStartDock Inherited from TControl.
OnStartDrag Inherited from TControl.
OnUnDock Inherited from TWinControl.
ShowHyperlinkHintProc Specifies the message dialog form’s hyperlink hint handler procedure.
See Also