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TcxCustomEditProperties.OnPropertiesChanged Event

Occurs on every editor setting change.


property OnPropertiesChanged: TNotifyEvent read; write;


You can handle the OnPropertiesChanged event to execute custom code in response to editor setting changes.

Event Occurrence

The editor raises the OnPropertiesChanged event every time one of its settings changes in the corresponding TcxCustomEditProperties class descendant instance.

Event Occurrence and Batch Changes

The OnPropertiesChanged event occurs only once per batch property setting change (for all changes enclosed between BeginUpdate and EndUpdate procedure calls).


If you change multiple editor settings simultaneously, we recommend that you enclose them between BeginUpdate and EndUpdate calls to avoid excessive redraw operations and improve performance.

Event Parameter

You can use the Sender parameter to identify and access the TcxCustomEditProperties class descendant instance that raised the OnPropertiesChanged event.

Refer to the TNotifyEvent procedural type description for additional information on the event type.

Code Example

The code example in this topic section demonstrates an OnPropertiesChanged event handler for a TcxImageComboBox editor.

This event handler changes editor appearance and behavior in response to ReadOnly property value changes as follows:

Read-Only Mode

Hides the predefined drop-down button and displays the custom Info button at the left editor border when the ReadOnly property value changes to True.

VCL Editors Library: A Custom Image Combo Box Example in Read-Only Mode

Normal Mode

Restores the initial editor layout and behavior when the ReadOnly property value changes back to False.

VCL Editors Library: Normal Image Combo Box Appearance and Behavior

procedure TMyForm.cxImageComboBox1PropertiesChanged(Sender: TObject);
  AProperties: TcxImageComboBoxProperties;
  AButton: TcxEditButton;
  AProperties := (Sender as TcxImageComboBoxProperties);
  if AProperties.ReadOnly then  // Configures the read-only editor layout
    AProperties.BeginUpdate;  // Initiates the following batch change
      AProperties.Buttons.Items[0].Visible := False;  // Hides the predefined drop-down button
      if AProperties.Buttons.Count = 1 then
        AButton := AProperties.Buttons.Add;
        AButton.Kind := bkText;
        AButton.Caption := 'Info';
        AButton.LeftAlignment := True;
      AProperties.Buttons.Items[1].Visible := True;  // Displays the "Info" button
      AProperties.Buttons.Items[1].Default := True;
      AProperties.EndUpdate;  // Calls EndUpdate regardless of the batch operation's success
  else if not AProperties.ReadOnly then  // Restores the initial editor layout
    AProperties.BeginUpdate;  // Initiates the following batch change
      AProperties.Buttons.Items[0].Visible := True;  // Displays the predefined button
      AProperties.Buttons.Items[0].Default := True;
      if AProperties.Buttons.Count = 2 then
        AProperties.Buttons.Items[1].Visible := False; // Hides the "Info" button
      AProperties.EndUpdate;  // Calls EndUpdate regardless of the batch operation's success
See Also