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TcxCustomButton.UseSystemPaint Property

This property is obsolete. The manner in which the button is painted is specified using the LookAndFeel property.


property UseSystemPaint: Boolean read; write; default False;

Property Value

Type Default
Boolean False


In previous versions of the ExpressEditors library, the UseSystemPaint property was used to specify whether the button should be painted in the same manner as the standard button control. It only had effect when no image was assigned to the button, the LookAndFeel.Kind property was set to cxbkStandard and the LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property was set to True.

Now, the UseSystemPaint property has the same effect but its value cannot be set at design-time. Additionally, dropping a TcxButton control onto the form will set the UseSystemPaint property value for all previously created buttons to False. Thus, you may have to update your applications so that the correct painting style is specified by the LookAndFeel property.


the UseSystemPaint property value can still be changed at runtime. If you have initialized TcxButton controls at runtime, their painting mechanism will not be changed.

The default value of the UseSystemPaint property is False.

See Also