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Edit Cell Values in UI

  • 6 minutes to read

The GridControl uses in-place data editors to display and edit cell values:

DevExpress DataGrid for WPF - In-place editing

Run Demo: Cell Editors


Data editing is allowed if the DataViewBase.AllowEditing property is set to true and the DataViewBase.NavigationStyle property is set to GridViewNavigationStyle.Cell.

Individual columns have the ColumnBase.AllowEditing property. The property’s default value is Default - the View controls the column’s behavior. Set this property to true or false to override the default behavior. For example, you can set the column’s ColumnBase.AllowEditing property to false to prevent users from changing its values.

If the column’s ColumnBase.ReadOnly property is set to true:

  • Users cannot modify the column’s cell values (they can invoke cell editors, select, and copy their values).
  • You can use the GridControl.SetCellValue method to change cell values in code.

Show and Hide Editors in UI

Users can switch the GridControl to edit mode in the following ways:

  • Click the required cell
  • Press Enter
  • Press F2
  • Start typing.

This activates the focused cell’s in-place editor to allow an end user to modify the value.

To save the changes and close the editor, users should press Enter or move focus to another cell. The GridControl raises the GridViewBase.CellValueChanged event after changes are saved. Pressing Esc closes the editor and discards the changes.

The GridViewBase.ShowingEditor / TreeListView.ShowingEditor event is raised before the focused cell’s editor is activated and allows you to cancel the action. After the editor is shown, the GridControl raises the GridViewBase.ShownEditor / TreeListView.ShownEditor event.

Show and Hide Editors in Code

To invoke the cell’s editor in code, focus the cell and call the DataViewBase.ShowEditor method. Refer to the Focusing topic for information on how to move cell and row focus.

The GridControl has two methods to hide the active editor:

Method Description
DataViewBase.CloseEditor Hides the active editor and saves the changes.
DataViewBase.HideEditor Hides the active editor and discards the changes.

After the editor is closed, the GridControl raises the GridViewBase.HiddenEditor / TreeListView.HiddenEditor event.

Customize Editor Activation and Validation

A user can select a cell to initiate edit mode. The edit mode in the GridControl works on a per-row basis:

  • When the user selects another cell in the same row, the GridControl validates and queues the new cell value.
  • When the user selects another row, the GridControl validates the modified row and posts the changes to the data source.

When the View is in edit mode, the DataViewBase.ActiveEditor property returns the edited cell’s editor and the DataViewBase.IsEditing property returns true.

Before the active editor’s new value is posted to a data source, it is validated. If a new value is valid, it is posted to a data source and the editor can be closed. Otherwise, if a new value is invalid, the active editor cannot be closed, and cell focus cannot be moved to another cell until its value is correct. Refer to the Cell Validation topic for more information.

The PostEditor() method validates and queues cell changes. The CommitEditing() method validates and posts changes made within the focused row.

Specify Whether to Activate a Cell Editor on Specific Actions

The DataViewBase.GetIsEditorActivationAction property allows you to specify whether a user action (key press, text input, or left mouse button click) activates the focused editor. You can restrict the number of activation actions or activate editors based on a condition.

Specify Whether to Pass an Activation Action to an Editor

When a user activates an editor, the default behavior passes the activation action to the editor. Handle the DataViewBase.ProcessEditorActivationAction event to specify whether to pass the action to the editor.

Specify Keys the Grid Should Not Process When an Editor is Active

The GridControl processes keys a user presses even if the editor is active. For example, arrow keys move focus between rows and cells. The DataViewBase.GetActiveEditorNeedsKey event allows you to specify keys that are processed by the active editor instead of the GridControl.

View Example: How to Specify Navigation in Custom Cell Editors

Immediate Posting

After a cell is edited, users should unfocus the cell to post the cell’s value to a data source. You can make the GridControl post values to a data source after an end user changes a cell’s value.


The immediate posting functionality is not supported in the following scenarios:

Enable Immediate Posting

Set the DataViewBase.EnableImmediatePosting property to true.

View Example: Immediately Post New Cell Values

Enable Immediate Posting Based on Logic

Handle the GridViewBase.CellValueChanging event and call the DataViewBase.PostEditor method in the event handler. Use this approach to implement complex logic.

The following code sample posts the Name column’s values:

<dxg:TableView CellValueChanging="CellValueChanging" />
void CellValueChanging(object sender, DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.CellValueChangedEventArgs e) {
    if (e.Column.FieldName == "Name")

Edit Multiple Cells

You can apply identical edits to multiple selected cells at once.

Run Demo

To enable this functionality, follow the steps below:

  • Set the SelectionMode property to Cell.

  • Set the TableView.MultiCellEditMode property to one of the following:

    • FocusedColumn – The control assigns the edited cell’s value to all selected cells within the focused column.

      DevExpress DataGrid for WPF - Batch edit - Focused column

    • AllColumns – The control assigns the edited cell’s value to all selected cells in type-compatible columns.

      DevExpress DataGrid for WPF - Batch edit - All columns

To apply changes to multiple cells, follow these steps:

  • Select cells whose data you want to update. For more information, refer to the following help topic: Cell Selection.

  • In the selected range, focus a specific cell to edit. To do this, left-click the cell with Shift pressed or right-click it.

  • Edit the focused cell.

  • Press Enter or move focus to post changes.

You can change control settings and let users skip the last step. To make the grid post changes immediately, set the DataViewBase.EnableImmediatePosting property to True.

<dxg:GridControl ...
                 ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" 
        <dxg:TableView MultiCellEditMode="AllColumns"

To restore values after a multi-cell edit operation, press Ctrl + Z (before changes are posted).


Select/Clear Multiple Check Boxes in Column Headers and Group Rows

If you have a column that displays Boolean values as check boxes, you can use the following properties to allow users to check/uncheck multiple check boxes at once:

  • Set the ColumnBase.ShowCheckBoxInHeader property to true to display a check box in the column header. This check box allows users to check/uncheck all check boxes in the column:

    WPF Data Grid - Check All Check Boxes in a Column

            <!-- ... -->
            <dxg:GridColumn FieldName="HasAttachment" ShowCheckBoxInHeader="True"/>
  • Assign a Boolean field name to the TableView.GroupRowCheckBoxFieldName property to display check boxes in group rows. Each group check box corresponds to check boxes displayed in the specified column and allows users to check/uncheck all check boxes in the group:

    WPF Data Grid - Check All Check Boxes in a Group

            <dxg:TableView GroupRowCheckBoxFieldName="HasAttachment"/>
            <!-- ... -->
            <dxg:GridColumn FieldName="HasAttachment"/>
See Also