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TcxCustomColorComboBoxProperties Events

Holds specific settings of color combo box controls.
Name Description
OnAddedMRUColor Fires after a color has been added to the most recently used list or when a color was moved to the top of it.
OnButtonClick Allows you to execute custom code when a user clicks an embedded editor button. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
OnButtonGlyphDrawParameters Allows you to customize the appearance of individual editor button glyphs. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
OnChange Occurs on changing the value within an editor. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
OnClosePopup Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
OnCloseQuery Occurs before closing the popup window. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties.
OnCloseUp Occurs after the popup window is closed. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties.
OnDeletedMRUColor Fires when a color is removed from the most recently used list.
OnDrawItem Allows you to custom draw a combo box item. Inherited from TcxCustomComboBoxProperties.
OnEditValueChanged Allows you to respond to edit value changes. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
OnFinalizePopup Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties.
OnGetDefaultColor Enables you to specify the color used to populate the color box when none of its items are selected.
OnInitPopup Occurs as the popup window is about to be opened. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties.
OnMeasureItem Occurs each time a combo box item should be repainted. Inherited from TcxCustomComboBoxProperties.
OnNamingConvention Enables you to specify the text description of each color represented by the control.
OnNewLookupDisplayText Occurs when the text entered into the editor does not belong to the automatic completion words list. Inherited from TcxCustomTextEditProperties.
OnPopup Occurs when the popup window is displayed on screen. Inherited from TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties.
OnPropertiesChanged Occurs on every editor setting change. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
OnSelectCustomColor Enables you to handle the ability to add custom colors to the color list.
OnValidate Occurs before converting the display value to the edit value. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
See Also