TcxCustomDropDownEditProperties.OnInitPopup Event
Occurs as the popup window is about to be opened.
property OnInitPopup: TNotifyEvent read; write;
OnInitPopup is the first event generated before opening the popup window. In some cases, the popup window cannot be opened (for instance, if no popup control is assigned to the TcxPopupEdit object). The virtual TcxCustomDropDownEdit.CanDropDown method determines whether the popup can be activated. The OnInitPopup event is always generated regardless of whether the popup window can be opened or not.
You can use the OnInitPopup event to initialize the popup window (for instance, populate the TcxComboBox control with items, assign the popup control to the TcxPopupEdit editor, etc.)
After the popup window is displayed, the OnPopup event is generated. This event occurs only when the CanDropDown function returns True.