TcxCustomColorComboBoxProperties.OnDeletedMRUColor Event
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Fires when a color is removed from the most recently used list.
property OnDeletedMRUColor: TNotifyEvent read; write;
The number of colors that can reside in the most recently used list is specified by the MaxMRUColors property. If the number of colors residing in this list is equal to this property value, then selecting a color that is not in the list will delete the oldest item. Also, the oldest item(s) of the most recently used list can be deleted if the MaxMRUColors property value is reduced sufficiently. In all these cases, the OnDeletedMRUColor event is raised.
You can handle the OnDeletedMRUColor event, for instance, to synchronize the most recently used lists of several combo boxes. See the OnAddedMRUColor event description for details.
See Also