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FullStackedSplineArea3DSeriesView Properties
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Represents a series view of the 3D Full-Stacked Spline Area type.
Name Description
AggregateFunction Gets or sets the function that is used to aggregate series points. Inherited from XYDiagram3DSeriesViewBase.
AreaWidth Gets or sets the depth of a slice that represents the 3D area series (the extent of the area series along the Z-axis). Inherited from Area3DSeriesView.
Color Gets or sets the color of the series. Inherited from SeriesViewBase.
Colorizer Gets or sets the Series Point Colorizer that paints series points. Inherited from SeriesViewBase.
CustomAggregateFunction Gets or sets the custom aggregate function callback that calculates the aggregated values. Inherited from XYDiagram3DSeriesViewBase.
DiagramType Gets a value of the diagram type. Inherited from Line3DSeriesView.
HiddenObject Obsolete. Gets or sets an object used to support serialization in a SeriesViewBase. Inherited from SeriesViewBase.
HiddenSerializableString Obsolete. Gets or sets the string value used to support serialization in a WebChartControl. Inherited from SeriesViewBase.
LineTensionPercent Gets or sets the line tension to be used when drawing splines of the FullStackedSplineArea3DSeriesView, in percents.
LineThickness Overrides the Line3DSeriesView.LineThickness property. Inherited from Area3DSeriesView.
LineWidth Overrides the Line3DSeriesView.LineWidth property. Inherited from Area3DSeriesView.
MarkerLineColor Obsolete. Gets or sets the color of a marker line. Inherited from Line3DSeriesView.
MarkerLineStyle Obsolete. Gets the object that provides access to marker line style attributes for modification. Inherited from Line3DSeriesView.
MarkerLineVisible Obsolete. Gets or sets the visibility of a marker line. Inherited from Line3DSeriesView.
SplineAlgorithm Specifies the drawing algorithm of the FullStackedSplineArea3DSeriesView.
Tag Gets or sets the object that contains data related to the chart element. Inherited from ChartElement.
Transparency Gets or sets the transparency (0-255) to use for displaying XY 3D charts. Inherited from XYDiagram3DSeriesViewBase.
TypeNameSerializable Gets the string value used to support serialization of the series view type. Inherited from SeriesViewBase.
ValuesCount Returns the count of values required to plot this series. Inherited from SeriesViewBase.
See Also