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GridOptionsView Members

Provides appearance options for Grid Views.


Name Description
GridOptionsView() Creates a new instance of the GridOptionsView class.


Name Description
AllowCellMerge Gets or sets whether neighboring cells with identical values merge.
AllowFormatRuleDescription Gets or sets whether to display format rule descriptions in the Rule Editor and Rule Manager. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView.
AllowGlyphSkinning Gets or sets whether column and band icons within the current View should be painted with the same colors as the column captions.
AllowHtmlDrawDetailTabs Gets or sets whether to parse HTML-inspired tags in tab captions. This option must be applied to the master view.
AllowHtmlDrawGroups Gets or sets whether HTML tags can be used to format text in group rows.
AllowHtmlDrawHeaders Gets or sets whether HTML formatting can be applied to column and band captions.
AnimationType Gets or sets the animation mode, which identifies cells for which animation is enabled. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView.
AutoCalcPreviewLineCount Gets or sets a value specifying whether the number of text lines within preview sections is calculated automatically depending on their contents.
BestFitMaxRowCount Gets or sets the number of data rows whose content is processed to apply best fit to columns.
BestFitMode Gets or sets whether column best-fit resizing operations should prioritize precision or speed.
BestFitUseErrorInfo Gets or sets whether cell error icons are taken into account when calculating the “best width” for columns.
ColumnAutoWidth Gets or sets a value that specifies columns automatically adjust their width to fit the grid’s width.
ColumnHeaderAutoHeight Gets or sets whether the column header panel height is automatically adjusted to fit wrapped column captions.
EnableAppearanceEvenRow Gets or sets whether the even rows are painted using the appearance settings provided by the GridViewAppearances.EvenRow property.
EnableAppearanceOddRow Gets or sets whether the odd rows are painted using the appearance settings provided by the GridViewAppearances.OddRow property.
FilterCriteriaDisplayStyle Gets or sets the display style of filter conditions in the Filter Panel and built-in Filter Editor. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView.
FixedColumnHighlightMode Gets or sets whether to render fixed columns with thicker column borders or a different cell background color.
GroupDrawMode Gets or sets a value specifying how group rows should be painted.
GroupFooterShowMode Gets or sets which groups display footers.
HeaderFilterButtonShowMode Gets or sets the display style of column filter buttons.
MergedCellEditMode Gets or sets how users can edit merged cells.
NewItemRowPosition Gets or sets the new item row’s position within the View.
RowAutoHeight Gets or sets whether the Data Grid automatically adjusts data row heights depending on cell content.
ShowAutoFilterRow Gets or sets whether the auto filter row is displayed.
ShowButtonMode Gets or sets a value that specifies which column cells display editor buttons. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView.
ShowChildrenInGroupPanel Gets or sets a value specifying whether the View’s group panel acts as a joined group panel.
ShowColumnHeaders Gets or sets whether column headers are visible.
ShowDetailButtons Gets or sets a value specifying whether master rows display master-detail expand buttons.
ShowErrorPanel Gets or sets whether exceptions raised by a data source in instant feedback server mode are shown in a flyout panel (contains the “Copy Text” button).
ShowFilterPanel Obsolete. Gets or sets whether the filter panel is displayed when data filtering is applied. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView.
ShowFilterPanelMode Gets or sets a value which specifies when the Filter Panel is shown. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView.
ShowFooter Gets or sets a value specifying whether the view footer is displayed.
ShowGroupedColumns Gets or sets a value specifying whether grouping columns are displayed within the View.
ShowGroupExpandCollapseButtons Gets or sets whether group expand buttons are visible.
ShowGroupPanel Gets or sets a value specifying whether the group panel is visible.
ShowGroupPanelColumnsAsSingleRow Gets or sets whether group column headers are arranged in the group panel in a horizontal line.
ShowHorizontalLines Gets or sets whether to display horizontal grid lines.
ShowHorzLines Obsolete. Gets or sets a value specifying whether horizontal grid lines are displayed.
ShowIndicator Gets or sets a value specifying whether the row indicator panel is displayed.
ShowNewItemRow Obsolete. Gets or sets a value specifying whether the new item row is displayed.
ShowPreview Gets or sets whether to display the preview sections.
ShowPreviewLines Obsolete. Gets or sets whether preview lines are displayed.
ShowPreviewRowLines Gets or sets whether horizontal lines are displayed below preview sections.
ShowVerticalLines Gets or sets whether to display vertical grid lines.
ShowVertLines Obsolete. Gets or sets a value specifying whether vertical grid lines are displayed.
ShowViewCaption Gets or sets whether the View Caption is displayed above the View. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView.
WaitAnimationOptions Gets or sets how async data loading operations are indicated. This property is in effect in Instant Feedback Mode.


Name Description
Assign(BaseOptions) Copies all settings from the options object passed as a parameter.
BeginUpdate() Locks the BaseOptions object by disallowing visual updates until the EndUpdate or CancelUpdate method is called. Inherited from BaseOptions.
CancelUpdate() Unlocks the BaseOptions object after it has been locked by the BeginUpdate method, without causing an immediate visual update. Inherited from BaseOptions.
EndUpdate() Unlocks the BaseOptions object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update. Inherited from BaseOptions.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetAnimationType() Returns the actual animation type. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Reset() Resets all options to their default values. Inherited from BaseOptions.
ToString() Returns a string representing the currently enabled options. Inherited from BaseOptions.
See Also