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GridControl.IsGroupRowHandle(Int32) Method

Indicates whether the specified handle corresponds to a group row.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Grid.Core


public bool IsGroupRowHandle(
    int rowHandle


Name Type Description
rowHandle Int32

An integer value that specifies the row’s handle.


Type Description

true if the specified handle corresponds to a group row; otherwise, false.


Group row handles are negative (start from -1). The IsGroupRowHandle method returns false, if the specified handle corresponds to a data row or invalid row.

To learn more, see Grouping and Identifying Rows and Cards.


The following example demonstrates how to use the TableView.RowDoubleClick event to process double-clicks:

View Example: How to Handle Row Double-clicks

<dxg:GridControl x:Name="grid">
<!-- ... -->
        <dxg:TableView RowDoubleClick="OnRowDoubleClick"/>
void OnRowDoubleClick(object sender, RowDoubleClickEventArgs e) {
    int rowHandle = e.HitInfo.RowHandle;
    if(rowHandle == GridControl.InvalidRowHandle)
        MessageBox.Show("A group row has been double clicked.", "Info");
        MessageBox.Show("A data row has been double clicked.", "Info");

The following code snippets (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contain references to the IsGroupRowHandle(Int32) method.


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See Also