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BarManager.SetDXContextMenuPlacement(UIElement, PlacementMode) Method

Sets the BarManager.DXContextMenuPlacement attached property value for a specific UI element.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Bars

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Core


public static void SetDXContextMenuPlacement(
    UIElement element,
    PlacementMode value


Name Type Description
element UIElement

A UIElement object whose BarManager.DXContextMenuPlacement attached property value is to be set.

value PlacementMode

A PlacementMode enumerator value that is the new BarManager.DXContextMenuPlacement attached property value for a specific UI element.


Use the BarManager.DXContextMenu attached property to assign an IPopupControl object to a UI element as this element’s popup or context menu. When invoked by a mouse click (use the BarManager.SetMenuShowMouseButton method to specify exactly which mouse button displays a context menu), a popup is displayed relative to a cursor position. If invoked via a keyboard Menu (Application) key, the popup’s position is specified according to the element’s BarManager.DXContextMenuPlacement attached property value.

The SetDXContextMenuPlacement method sets the BarManager.DXContextMenuPlacement attached property value for a specific UI element. To get the current context menu’s position for an element, use the BarManager.GetDXContextMenuPlacement method.

See Also