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TdxTaskbarCustomProgress.State Property

Specifies the manner in which progress is visualized in a Windows® 7 taskbar application button.


property State: TdxTaskbarProgressState read; write; default tbpsNormal;

Property Value

Type Default
TdxTaskbarProgressState tbpsNormal


Options include:

Value Description Sample
tbpsNoProgress No progress visualization.
tbpsIndeterminate The marquee progress type showing general activity rather than completion progress. Corresponds to a progress bar control’s marquee mode.
tbpsNormal The completion progress type.
tbpsError The completion progress type that is used to indicate the terminated progress.
tbpsPaused The completion progress type that is used to indicate the paused progress.


The progress is visualized only if the Active property is set to True.

The default value of the State property is tbpsNormal.

See Also