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TdxTaskbarCustomProgress.Total Property

Specifies the maximum range limit for the progress bar displayed in a Windows® 7 taskbar application button.


property Total: Int64 read; write;

Property Value



Both Position and Total are zero-based properties providing parameters for progress visualization. You can range the Position property value from 0 to Total to specify the current progress value. Once the Position property value reaches or exceeds Total, the progress bar fills the entire taskbar application button to indicate that a task is complete. If you assign a negative value the Position or Total property, it will be automatically replaced with 0.

If you linked a progress bar control via the LinkedComponent property, the Position and Total properties will be synchronized with the corresponding properties of the linked progress bar control. To learn more, refer to the LinkedComponent property description.


The progress value specified via the Position and Total properties are used to display the progress in the tbpsNormal, tbpsError, or tbpsPaused state.

The default value of the Total property is 100.

See Also