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TdxRangeControlCustomClientProperties.GetInterval(Double,Double) Method

Obtains the actual data range from the two specified range control’s viewport coordinates.


function GetInterval(const AMin: Double; const AMax: Double): Variant; virtual;


Name Type
AMin Double
AMax Double




Normally, this function supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. The GetInterval function is called internally by the range control when an end-user selects two points within the currently visible portion of the selectable data range.

The range control’s viewport coordinates are within the range of 0 to 1, inclusive.

The AMin and AMax parameters are used to pass the viewport coordinates of the selected range’s beginning and end specified by an end-user. Since GetInterval implements no actual functionality in the basic data range model class, the function must be overridden in the TdxRangeControlCustomClientProperties class’ descendants.

See Also