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TdxCustomRangeControlHitTest Properties

Stores HitTest information of the range control.
Name Description
HitAtClientArea Identifies if the inspected point corresponds to the range control‘s client area.
HitAtClientAreaMaxSelectionThumb Identifies if the inspected point corresponds to the selection thumb indicating the upper bound of the selected data range.
HitAtClientAreaMinSelectionThumb Identifies if the inspected point corresponds to the selection thumb indicating the lower bound of the selected data range.
HitAtClientAreaSelectedRange Identifies if the inspected point corresponds to the area between selection thumbs.
HitAtRulerElement Indicates if the inspected point corresponds to a scale header displayed by the range control‘s ruler.
HitAtZoomScrollBar Identifies if the inspected point corresponds to the range control‘s Zoom&Scroll bar.
HitAtZoomScrollBarMaxZoomGrip Identifies if the inspected point corresponds to the ending point zoom grip of the viewport selection thumb.
HitAtZoomScrollBarMinZoomGrip Identifies if the inspected point corresponds to the starting point zoom grip of the viewport selection thumb.
HitAtZoomScrollBarSelectionScrollThumb Identifies if the inspected point corresponds to the selection scroll thumb within the Zoom&Scroll bar.
HitAtZoomScrollBarViewportScrollThumb Identifies if the inspected point corresponds to the viewport scroll thumb within the Zoom&Scroll bar.
HitObject Returns information (a ViewInfo object) on the range control’s visual element located at the test point.
HitPoint Specifies the pixel coordinates of the test point within the range control’s area.
See Also