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TdxChartSeriesTopNOptions Properties

Stores Top N point series display settings.
Name Description
Enabled Specifies if a simple series displays only the top values as separate pie or doughnut slices.
Mode Specifies the active Top N values display mode.
OthersValueFormat Specifies a formatting pattern for the value label of the pie or doughnut slice that corresponds to the sum of all non-top series values.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
Series Provides access to the simple series to which the current Top N value display settings belong.
ShowOthers Specifies if a simple series displays the sum of non-top values as a separate pie or doughnut slice.
Value Specifies the display criterion for the top N points in a simple series.
See Also