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TdxChartSeriesTopNOptions.ShowOthers Property

Specifies if a simple series displays the sum of non-top values as a separate pie or doughnut slice.


property ShowOthers: Boolean read; write; default True;

Property Value

Type Default Description
Boolean True

True if the sum of non-top values is displayed as a separate series point; otherwise, False.


You can set the ShowOthers property to False to hide a slice that corresponds to all other series points so the displayed top points occupy more space.


Value Example (Pie)[1] Example (Doughnut)[2]
True (default) VCL Chart Control: Pie View - The "Others" Slice is Visible VCL Chart Control: Doughnut View - The "Others" Slice is Visible
False VCL Chart Control: Pie View - The "Others" Slice is Hidden VCL Chart Control: Doughnut View - The "Others" Slice is Hidden

Default Value

The ShowOthers property’s default value is True.

  1. This example demonstrates different ShowOthers property values on the same Pie series under the following conditions:

  2. This example demonstrates different ShowOthers property values on the same Doughnut series under the following conditions:

See Also