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TdxChartSeriesTopNOptions.Enabled Property

Specifies if a simple series limits the number of points displayed as separate pie or doughnut slices.


property Enabled: Boolean read; write; default False;

Property Value

Type Default Description
Boolean False
Default. A simple series displays all values as separate slices.

A simple series displays only a limited number of points as separate slices. If the ShowOthers property is set to True (default), the series displays a sum of all other values as a separate slice.

Mode and Value properties determine the number of visible series points.


Set the Enabled property to True to limit the number of series points displayed as separate slices.


Mode, OthersValueFormat, ShowOthers, and Value property values have no effect if the Enabled property is set to False.

Property Value Examples

This section lists doughnut series examples with the following Enabled property values under the same[1] conditions:


Default. A simple series displays all points as separate slices according to the current sort order.

VCL Chart Control: A Sorted Doughnut Series with All Points as Separate Slices


A simple series displays 5 points with highest values as individual slices. The sum of all other values is displayed as a separate slice.

VCL Chart Control: A Sorted Doughnut Series with 5 Points as Separate Slices

Default Value

The Enabled property’s default value is False.

See Also