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TdxChartLegendAppearance.ItemIndent Property

Specifies horizontal and vertical distances (in pixels) between legend items.


property ItemIndent: TdxSizeFloat read; write;

Property Value

Type Description

The ItemIndent.Width property value specifies the distance (in pixels at 96 DPI) between columns of legend items. The horizontal legend item indent has no effect if the legend pane layout includes only one column of legend items.

The ItemIndent.Height property value specifies the distance (in pixels at 96 DPI) between rows of legend items. The vertical legend item indent has no effect if all legend items are arranged into one row.


Use ItemIndent.Width and ItemIndent.Height properties to shrink or expand gaps between columns and rows of legend items, respectively.

Property Value Examples

ItemIndent.Width Value ItemIndent.Height Value Example[1]
12 2[2] VCL Chart Control: Default Legend Item Indents
24 10 VCL Chart Control: Increased Legend Item Indents

Property Values and Scaling

ItemIndent.Width and ItemIndent.Height properties specify the base pixel distances between legend items that correspond to 96 DPI. The Chart control’s draw routines multiply ItemIndent.Width and ItemIndent.Height property values by the current scale factor and round the results to the nearest integer to calculate the actual distances between legend items on the target screen.

Default Value

The ItemIndent property’s default value is the DefaultItemIndent typed constant.

  1. These examples demonstrate different ItemIndent.Width and ItemIndent.Height property values for the same simple diagram with one Doughnut series under the following conditions:

  2. The default legend item indents.

See Also