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TdxChartLegendAppearance.ImageSize Property

Specifies pixel dimensions of the area allocated to a legend item image.


property ImageSize: TdxSizeFloat read; write;

Property Value

Type Description

ImageSize.Width and ImageSize.Height property values specify width and height (in pixels) of the area allocated to a legend item glyph at 96 DPI.


Use ImageSize.Width and ImageSize.Height properties to shrink or expand areas allocated to legend item images within the legend pane layout.

Property Value Examples

ImageSize.Width Value ImageSize.Height Value Example[1]
20 16[2] VCL Chart Control: The Default Glyph Dimensions in the Diagram Legend Pane
10 8 VCL Chart Control: Shrunk Glyphs in the Diagram Legend Pane
30 24 VCL Chart Control: Increased Glyphs in the Diagram Legend Pane

Property Values and Scaling

ImageSize.Width and ImageSize.Height properties specify the base pixel dimensions of a legend item area that correspond to 96 DPI. The Chart control’s draw routines multiply ImageSize.Width and ImageSize.Height property values by the current scale factor and round the results to the nearest integer to calculate the actual item image dimensions on the target screen.

Default Value

The ImageSize property’s default value is the DefaultImageSize typed constant.

  1. These examples demonstrate different ImageSize.Width and ImageSize.Height property values for the same XY diagram with three simple Line series.

  2. The default glyph dimensions.

See Also