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TdxChartCustomLabels.ResolveOverlappingIndent Property

Specifies the base minimum distance (in pixels) between value labels when value label resolution is enabled.


property ResolveOverlappingIndent: Single read; write;

#Property Value

Type Description

The base minimum distance between value labels (in pixels at 96 DPI).


Different label overlap resolution modes available in the Chart control allow you to make a diagram more readable when it does not have enough space to display all value labels without overlapping.

VCL Chart Control: Different Value Label Overlap Resolution Modes

Use the ResolveOverlappingIndent property to adjust the minimum distance between value labels when the default label overlap resolution algorithm is selected.

In other modes, the ResolveOverlappingIndent property value may have lower priority than other conditions depending on the actual mode and the target series View type. Refer to the TdxChartSeriesValueLabelsResolveOverlappingMode type description for detailed information on all label overlap resolution modes available in different series Views.

#Property Value Examples: Line Series View

Value Example[1]
0 (default) VCL Chart Control: The Default Offset for Label Overlap Resolution
9 VCL Chart Control: An Increased Offset for Label Overlap Resolution

#Property Values and Scaling

The ResolveOverlappingIndent property specifies the base overlap resolution indent (in pixels) that corresponds to 96 DPI. Chart control draw routines multiply the ResolveOverlappingIndent property value by the current scale factor and round the result to the nearest integer to calculate the actual label overlap resolution indent on the target screen.

To see this functionality in action, run the Chart Control demo in the VCL Demo Center installed with compiled VCL DevExpress demos.

You can use the Indent spin editor in the Label Overlapping group of the Options pane to change the ResolveOverlappingIndent property for all series in the currently displayed diagram.

Download: Compiled VCL Demos


Compiled DevExpress demos ship with source code installed in the Public Documents folder (%Public%) for all users (default). You can find all project and source code files for the Chart control in the following folder:

%Public%\Documents\DevExpress VCL Demos\MegaDemos\Product Demos\ExpressChart

#Default Value

The ResolveOverlappingIndent property’s default value is 0.

The default ResolveOverlappingIndent property value indicates the default offset used in the selected label overlap resolution algorithm. Different TdxChartCustomLabels class descendants use different default offsets for label overlap resolution.

  1. This example demonstrates different ResolveOverlappingIndent property values on the same three XY series under the following conditions:

See Also