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dxChartCore Unit

This unit implements all base diagram, series, and settings classes in the Chart.


Name Description
EdxChartException The exception class for errors that occur in the Chart control.
TdxChart Implements the internal Chart control model.
TdxChartAppearance Stores general Chart control appearance settings.
TdxChartCrosshairLabelAppearance Stores general appearance settings of Chart crosshair labels.
TdxChartCrosshairLabels Stores Chart crosshair label settings.
TdxChartCrosshairLineAppearance Stores general appearance settings of Chart crosshair lines.
TdxChartCrosshairLines Stores Chart crosshair line appearance settings.
TdxChartCrosshairOptions Stores Crosshair Cursor settings for a Chart control.
TdxChartCustomDiagram The base class for all diagram classes.
TdxChartCustomLabels The base class for all classes that implement value label settings.
TdxChartCustomLabelsAppearance Stores general label appearance settings.
TdxChartCustomLegend The base class for all classes that implement Chart and diagram legend settings.
TdxChartCustomSeries The base class for all chart series classes.
TdxChartCustomVisualElement The base class for all classes that implement visual elements in the Chart control.
TdxChartDiagramAppearance Stores general diagram appearance options.
TdxChartDiagramLegend Stores settings of the legend pane displayed in a diagram.
TdxChartDiagramTitle Stores a diagram title and its settings.
TdxChartDiagramToolTipOptions The base class for diagram tooltip setting classes.
TdxChartGetSeriesPointDrawParametersEventArgs Stores information related to an OnGetSeriesPointDrawParameters event occurrence in an XY or simple diagram.
TdxChartGetValueLabelDrawParametersEventArgs Stores information related to an OnGetValueLabelDrawParameters event occurrence in an XY or simple diagram.
TdxChartLegend Stores settings of the legend pane displayed in a Chart control.
TdxChartLegendAppearance Stores general appearance settings of Chart and diagram legend panes.
TdxChartLegendTitle Stores a Chart or diagram legend title and its settings.
TdxChartMouseAction Stores mouse action settings for a user operation in the Chart control.
TdxChartMouseWheelAction Stores mouse wheel action settings for a user operation in the Chart control.
TdxChartOwnedPersistent The base class for Chart control setting classes.
TdxChartScrollOptions Stores Chart control scroll settings.
TdxChartSeriesCustomDataBinding The base class for all data binding setting classes used by chart series.
TdxChartSeriesCustomDataField The base class for data binding settings of arguments and values in a series.
TdxChartSeriesCustomView The base class for all classes that implement series View settings.
TdxChartSeriesPointDrawParameters The base class for all series point draw setting classes.
TdxChartSeriesPointInfo Stores series point information.
TdxChartSeriesPoints A series point collection.
TdxChartSeriesTitle Stores a simple series title and its settings.
TdxChartSeriesToolTipOptions Stores series tooltip settings.
TdxChartSeriesTopNOptions Stores Top N point series display settings.
TdxChartSeriesValueLabelAppearance Stores series value label appearance settings.
TdxChartSeriesValueLabelInfo Stores series value label information.
TdxChartSeriesValueLabels Stores series value label appearance and behavior settings.
TdxChartSeriesViewAppearance The base class for all classes that implement general series View appearance settings.
TdxChartSimpleToolTipOptions Stores simple tooltip settings for a Chart control.
TdxChartTitle Stores a Chart control title and its settings.
TdxChartTitleCollectionItem Stores a Chart control title and its settings.
TdxChartTitles A collection of Chart control titles.
TdxChartToolTips Stores tooltip settings of a Chart control.
TdxChartVisualElementAppearance The base class for all visual element appearance settings in the Chart control.
TdxChartVisualElementFontOptions Stores visual element font settings in the Chart control.
TdxChartVisualElementPersistent The base class for all visual Chart control elements.
TdxChartVisualElementTitle The base class for all visual element titles in the Chart control.
TdxChartVisualElementTitleAppearance Stores visual element title appearance settings in the Chart control.
TdxChartZoomOptions Stores Chart control zoom settings.


Name Description
IdxChartLegendItem Exposes methods that implement chart legend item functionality.


Name Description
TdxChartCrosshairSnapToPointMode Enumerates available series point targeting modes for crosshair lines in XY diagrams.
TdxChartCrosshairSnapToSeriesMode Enumerates available snap to series modes for crosshair lines in XY diagrams.
TdxChartCrosshairStickyLines Enumerates crosshair line display modes.
TdxChartEmptyPointsDisplayMode Enumerates available empty series point display modes.
TdxChartHitCode Enumerates HitTest codes available in the Chart control.
TdxChartLegendAlignment Enumerates available horizontal or vertical legend pane positions within the parent diagram or Chart area.
TdxChartLegendDirection Enumerates available directions for legend item arrangement.
TdxChartSeriesShowInLegend Enumerates series display modes for legend panes.
TdxChartSeriesSortBy Enumerates available series point sort modes.
TdxChartSeriesTopNOptionsMode Enumerates available Top N value display modes for simple series.
TdxChartSeriesValueLabelsResolveOverlappingMode Enumerates value label overlap resolution modes.
TdxChartTitlePosition Enumerates Chart title positions within its parent visual element.
TdxChartToolTipMode Enumerates all chart tooltip display modes.


Name Description
TdxChartActualToolTipMode Enumerates tooltip display modes in a chart series.


Name Description
TdxChartDiagramClass A reference to a diagram class.
TdxChartGetSeriesPointDrawParametersEvent The procedural type for series point customization events.
TdxChartGetValueLabelDrawParametersEvent The procedural type for value label parameter customization events.
TdxChartSeriesClass A reference to a chart series class.
TdxChartSeriesDataBindingClass A reference to a data binding settings class used by chart series.
TdxChartSeriesViewClass A reference to a series View class.
TdxChartTextFormat The type used to specify text formatting patterns in the Chart control.