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TcxCustomImage.ShowImageEditor Method

Invokes the Image Editor dialog.


procedure ShowImageEditor;


Call the ShowImageEditor procedure to invoke the Image Editor modal dialog that allows users to perform simple image edit operations, such as cropping, rotation, and color adjustment.

VCL Editors Library: An Image Editor Dialog Example

A user can click the Edit… item in the editor context menu to invoke the Image Editor dialog:

VCL Editors Library: Invoke the Image Editor Dialog

The Edit… context menu item is visible only if the pmiEdit flag is present in the Properties.PopupMenuLayout.MenuItems property. The menu item is enabled only if the image editor is not empty.

Create a Custom Image Editor Dialog

You can inherit a form class from TdxCustomImageEditorDialog and assign a reference to the created class to the dxImageEditorClass global variable to replace the built-in Image Editor with a custom implementation.


Inherit a custom form class from the TdxCustomImageEditorDialog class if you need to create a new editor dialog from scratch. If you need only to adjust the built-in Image Editor dialog, use the TdxImageEditorDialog class instead.

See Also