TcxCustomGridTableView.OnCustomDrawPartBackground Event
Allows you to custom draw a View element background.
property OnCustomDrawPartBackground: TcxGridPartCustomDrawBackgroundEvent read; write;
This event fires for the following elements:
- Filter panel
- Find panel
- Footer panel
- Group footer panel
- Group By box
The OnCustomDrawPartBackground
event’s Sender parameter identifies the View whose element is to be painted. The ACanvas parameter provides the drawing surface. The ADone parameter specifies whether default painting should be done after the event handler’s execution. Set this parameter to True
if you have painted the element and default processing is not required.
The AViewInfo parameter provides access to the ViewInfo object whose properties and method allow you to get information about the painted element. For instance, you can determine the element to be painted and obtain the element’s bounds using this object’s Bounds property. The table below lists all the elements available for custom painting using the event and the corresponding ViewInfo object types (class names).
Element | View |
Filter panel | Tcx |
Find panel | Tcx |
Footer panel | Tcx |
Group footer panel | Tcx |
Group By box | Tcx |
In the example below, the Group By box is custom painted by handling the OnCustomDrawPartBackground
event. The box is rendered with a custom image loaded from an external file. For other View elements, the default painting is used.
APatternBrush: TBrush; // A brush used to fill the "group by" box
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); // Creates a pattern brush from a texture
APatternBrush := TBrush.Create;
APatternBrush.Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
procedure TForm1.cxGrid1DBTableView1CustomDrawPartBackground(Sender: TcxGridTableView; ACanvas: TcxCanvas; AViewInfo: TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo; var ADone: Boolean); // An OnCustomDrawPartBackground event handler
if AViewInfo is TcxGridGroupByBoxViewInfo then // If the drawn UI element is a "group by" box
ACanvas.Brush := APatternBrush; // Assigns the loaded pattern brush to the canvas
ACanvas.FillRect(AViewInfo.Bounds); // Fills the "group by" box with the pattern brush
ADone := True; // Disables the predefined draw routine for the "group by" box
end else
ADone := False; // Enables the predefined draw routines for other UI elements
// Releases the pattern brush when the form is destroyed
procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
The following screenshot shows the result of handling the event.