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TcxCustomCheckGroupProperties Events

Provides settings for check group editors.
Name Description
OnButtonClick Allows you to execute custom code when a user clicks an embedded editor button. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
OnButtonGlyphDrawParameters Allows you to customize the appearance of individual editor button glyphs. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
OnChange Occurs on changing the value within an editor. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
OnClosePopup Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
OnEditValueChanged Allows you to respond to edit value changes. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
OnEditValueToStates Enables you to manually convert an edit value to a check state.
OnPropertiesChanged Occurs on every editor setting change. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
OnStatesToEditValue Enables you to convert a check state to an edit value manually.
OnValidate Occurs before converting the display value to the edit value. Inherited from TcxCustomEditProperties.
See Also