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TreeList.EditFormHidden Event

Fires after the Edit Form is closed.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraTreeList

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraTreeList.v24.2.dll


public event EditFormHiddenEventHandler EditFormHidden

Event Data

The EditFormHidden event's data class is EditFormHiddenEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
BindableControls Provides access to the collection of controls used to edit the processed data record. Controls are indexed by field names or tree list nodes.
Node Gets the node for which the Edit From is closed.
Panel Gets the Edit Form’s root panel.
Result Gets the clicked button.


The control displays a list of booked flights. A user edits flights in the Edit Form. The code below shows how to do the following:

  • disable the Return field if the One Way option is selected


  • set the Return field’s minimum value to the Departure field’s value


using DevExpress.XtraEditors;

treeList1.OptionsBehavior.EditingMode = DevExpress.XtraTreeList.TreeListEditingMode.EditForm;
treeList1.EditFormPrepared += TreeList1_EditFormPrepared;
treeList1.EditFormHidden += TreeList1_EditFormHidden;

CheckEdit editOneWay;
DateEdit editDeparture;
DateEdit editReturn;

private void TreeList1_EditFormPrepared(object sender, DevExpress.XtraTreeList.EditFormPreparedEventArgs e) {
    editDeparture = e.BindableControls["Departure"] as DateEdit;
    editReturn = e.BindableControls["Return"] as DateEdit;
    editOneWay = e.BindableControls["One Way"] as CheckEdit;
    if (editOneWay != null)
        editOneWay.EditValueChanging += EditOneWay_EditValueChanging;
    if(editDeparture != null)
        editDeparture.EditValueChanged += EditDeparture_EditValueChanged;

private void EditDeparture_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    editReturn.Properties.MinValue = (DateTime)editDeparture.EditValue;

private void EditOneWay_EditValueChanging(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ChangingEventArgs e) {
    if ((bool)e.NewValue)
        editReturn.Enabled = false;
        editReturn.Enabled = true;

private void TreeList1_EditFormHidden(object sender, DevExpress.XtraTreeList.EditFormHiddenEventArgs e) {
    if (editOneWay != null)
        editOneWay.EditValueChanging -= EditOneWay_EditValueChanging;
    if(editDeparture != null)
        editDeparture.EditValueChanged -= EditDeparture_EditValueChanged;
    editOneWay = null;
    editDeparture = null;
    editReturn = null;

The code below shows how to prevent the Edit Form from being shown in a particular case, focus an editor in the Edit Form, subscribe to the editor’s events, and get the clicked button when the Edit Form is closed.

using DevExpress.XtraEditors;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls;
using DevExpress.XtraTreeList;

// Prevents the Edit Form from being shown depending on the cell data.
private void treeList1_EditFormShowing(object sender, DevExpress.XtraTreeList.EditFormShowingEventArgs e) {
    if (e.Node.GetValue(colCity).Equals("Berlin"))
        e.Allow = false;
// Focuses the editor in the Edit Form that corresponds to the column focused in the Tree List.
// Subscribes to an editor's events.
private void treeList1_EditFormPrepared(object sender, DevExpress.XtraTreeList.EditFormPreparedEventArgs e) {
    TreeList treeList = sender as TreeList;
    Control editor = e.BindableControls[treeList.FocusedColumn];
    if (editor != null) {

    TextEdit textEdit = e.BindableControls[colCity] as TextEdit;
    if (textEdit != null)
        textEdit.EditValueChanging += TextEdit_EditValueChanging;
private void TextEdit_EditValueChanging(object sender, ChangingEventArgs e) {
    // ...
// Unsubscribes from the editor's events.
// Shows a message depending on the clicked button.
private void treeList1_EditFormHidden(object sender, DevExpress.XtraTreeList.EditFormHiddenEventArgs e) {
   TextEdit textEdit = e.BindableControls[colCity] as TextEdit;
    if (textEdit != null)
        textEdit.EditValueChanging -= TextEdit_EditValueChanging;
    if (e.Result == EditFormResult.Update)
        XtraMessageBox.Show("Changes are successfully saved.");

See Also