BandedGridOptionsView Properties
Provides appearance options for Banded Grid Views.Name | Description |
AllowCellMerge | Gets or sets whether neighboring cells with identical values merge. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
AllowFormatRuleDescription | Gets or sets whether to display format rule descriptions in the Rule Editor and Rule Manager. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView. |
AllowGlyphSkinning | Gets or sets whether column and band icons within the current View should be painted with the same colors as the column captions. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
AllowHtmlDrawDetailTabs | Gets or sets whether to parse HTML-inspired tags in tab captions. This option must be applied to the master view. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
AllowHtmlDrawGroups | Gets or sets whether HTML tags can be used to format text in group rows. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
AllowHtmlDrawHeaders | Gets or sets whether HTML formatting can be applied to column and band captions. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
AnimationType | Gets or sets the animation mode, which identifies cells for which animation is enabled. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView. |
AutoCalcPreviewLineCount | Gets or sets a value specifying whether the number of text lines within preview sections is calculated automatically depending on their contents. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
BestFitMaxRowCount | Gets or sets the number of data rows whose content is processed to apply best fit to columns. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
BestFitMode | Gets or sets whether column best-fit resizing operations should prioritize precision or speed. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
BestFitUseErrorInfo | Gets or sets whether cell error icons are taken into account when calculating the “best width” for columns. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ColumnAutoWidth | Gets or sets a value that specifies columns automatically adjust their width to fit the grid’s width. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ColumnHeaderAutoHeight | Gets or sets whether the column header panel height is automatically adjusted to fit wrapped column captions. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
EnableAppearanceEvenRow | Gets or sets whether the even rows are painted using the appearance settings provided by the GridViewAppearances.EvenRow property. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
EnableAppearanceOddRow | Gets or sets whether the odd rows are painted using the appearance settings provided by the GridViewAppearances.OddRow property. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
FilterCriteriaDisplayStyle | Gets or sets the display style of filter conditions in the Filter Panel and built-in Filter Editor. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView. |
FixedColumnHighlightMode | Gets or sets whether to render fixed columns with thicker column borders or a different cell background color. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
GroupDrawMode | Gets or sets a value specifying how group rows should be painted. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
GroupFooterShowMode | Gets or sets which groups display footers. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
HeaderFilterButtonShowMode | Gets or sets the display style of column filter buttons. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
MergedCellEditMode | Gets or sets how users can edit merged cells. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
NewItemRowPosition | Gets or sets the new item row’s position within the View. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
RowAutoHeight | Gets or sets whether the Data Grid automatically adjusts data row heights depending on cell content. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowAutoFilterRow | Gets or sets whether to display the Auto Filter Row. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowBands | Gets or sets a value specifying whether the band panel is displayed. |
ShowButtonMode | Gets or sets a value that specifies which column cells display editor buttons. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView. |
ShowChildrenInGroupPanel | Gets or sets a value specifying whether the View’s group panel acts as a joined group panel. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowColumnHeaders | Gets or sets whether column headers are visible. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowDetailButtons | Gets or sets a value specifying whether master rows display master-detail expand buttons. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowErrorPanel | Gets or sets whether exceptions raised by a data source in instant feedback server mode are shown in a flyout panel (contains the “Copy Text” button). Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowFilterPanel | Obsolete. Gets or sets whether the filter panel is displayed when data filtering is applied. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView. |
ShowFilterPanelMode | Gets or sets a value which specifies when the Filter Panel is shown. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView. |
ShowFooter | Gets or sets a value specifying whether the view footer is displayed. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowGroupedColumns | Gets or sets a value specifying whether grouping columns should be displayed within the View. |
ShowGroupExpandCollapseButtons | Gets or sets whether group expand buttons are visible. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowGroupPanel | Gets or sets a value specifying whether the group panel is visible. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowGroupPanelColumnsAsSingleRow | Gets or sets whether group column headers are arranged in the group panel in a horizontal line. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowHorizontalLines | Gets or sets whether to display horizontal grid lines. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowHorzLines | Obsolete. Gets or sets a value specifying whether horizontal grid lines are displayed. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowIndicator | Gets or sets a value specifying whether the row indicator panel is displayed. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowNewItemRow | Obsolete. Gets or sets a value specifying whether the new item row is displayed. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowPreview | Gets or sets whether to display the preview sections. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowPreviewLines | Obsolete. Gets or sets whether preview lines are displayed. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowPreviewRowLines | Gets or sets whether horizontal lines are displayed below preview sections. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowVerticalLines | Gets or sets whether to display vertical grid lines. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowVertLines | Obsolete. Gets or sets a value specifying whether vertical grid lines are displayed. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
ShowViewCaption | Gets or sets whether the View Caption is displayed above the View. Inherited from ColumnViewOptionsView. |
WaitAnimationOptions | Gets or sets how async data loading operations are indicated. This property is in effect in Instant Feedback Mode. Inherited from GridOptionsView. |
See Also