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BackstageViewControl.AllowGlyphSkinning Property

Gets or sets whether all BackstageViewItems within the current BackstageViewControl should have their icons painted with these items’ foreground color.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public bool AllowGlyphSkinning { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
Boolean false

true if all BackstageViewItems within the current BackstageViewControl should have their icons painted with these items’ foreground color; otherwise, false.


If the AllowGlyphSkinning property equals false (the default behavior), the BackstageViewControl‘s item glyphs are drawn as they are. Otherwise, icons receive specific color hues, depending on their parent BackstageViewItems’ fore color.

For best visual results, use gray-scale icons from the DevExpress Image Gallery for those items whose parent BackstageViewControl‘s AllowGlyphSkinning property equals true.

Image Gallery - Grayscale Icons

The AllowGlyphSkinning property specifies a global setting common to all BackstageViewItems within the BackstageViewControl. To override this setting for individual items, use the BackstageViewItem.AllowGlyphSkinning property instead.

See the Bar and Ribbon Glyph Skinning topic to learn more.

See Also