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RibbonStatusBar Class

The status bar designed to be used along with the RibbonControl.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public class RibbonStatusBar :


A status bar is displayed at the bottom of a parent window (form). It is typically used to display various kinds of status information. It provides helpful feedback to end-users. A sample status bar is shown in the image below:


The collection of item links that are owned by the status bar can be accessed via the RibbonStatusBar.ItemLinks property. This collection provides methods that can be used to add, delete, access individual link objects and perform other common collection management tasks. To customize the status bar at design time, run the Designer and switch to the StatusBar page.

A status bar can display the size grip, which allows an end-user to resize the window by dragging the status bar’s bottom right corner. The visibility of the size grip is controlled by the RibbonStatusBar.ShowSizeGrip property.


The RibbonStatusBar must be associated with a RibbonControl. When you drop a RibbonStatusBar onto the form, at design time, it is automatically linked to an existing RibbonControl via the RibbonStatusBar.Ribbon property. When you create a RibbonStatusBar at runtime, you need to manually set the RibbonStatusBar.Ribbon property to an existing RibbonControl.


This example creates DevExpress WinForms RibbonControl and RibbonStatusBar:

  • The RibbonControl contains the “Home” page, “File” and “Print” groups, and four commands (bar items).
  • The RibbonStatusBar displays the “Print” command. The “Print” command is aligned to the right.

The following animation shows the result:



In this example, the SvgImageCollection was created and populated with SVG images at design-time.


When creating the Ribbon UI in code, ensure that the following requirements are met:

  1. All bar items are added to the RibbonControl.Items collection.
  2. All bar items have unique identifiers (the BarItem.Id property should be set to a unique value).
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon;
using DevExpress.XtraBars;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;

namespace DXApplication
    public partial class Form1 : XtraForm
        public Form1()
            // Create the DevExpress RibbonControl
            RibbonControl ribbon = new RibbonControl();
            /* Assign the SVG image collection to display images/icons within bar items.
             * In this example, the svgImageCollection1 was created and populated with SVG images at design-time.
            ribbon.Images = svgImageCollection1;

            // Create a Ribbon page.
            RibbonPage pageHome = new RibbonPage("Home");
            // Create a Ribbon page group.
            RibbonPageGroup groupFile = new RibbonPageGroup("File");
            // Create another Ribbon page group.
            RibbonPageGroup groupPrint = new RibbonPageGroup("Print");

            // Create button items and add them to the 'File' group.
            BarButtonItem itemNew = ribbon.Items.CreateButton("New");
            // Ensures correct runtime layout (de)serialization.
            itemNew.Id = ribbon.Manager.GetNewItemId();
            // Specifies the image.
            itemNew.ImageOptions.SvgImage = svgImageCollection1["new"];
            itemNew.RibbonStyle = RibbonItemStyles.Large;
            itemNew.ItemClick += ItemClick;

            BarButtonItem itemOpen = ribbon.Items.CreateButton("Open");
            itemOpen.Id = ribbon.Manager.GetNewItemId();
            itemOpen.RibbonStyle = RibbonItemStyles.Large;
            itemOpen.ImageOptions.SvgImage = svgImageCollection1["open"];
            itemOpen.ItemClick += ItemClick;

            groupFile.ItemLinks.AddRange(new BarItem[] { itemNew, itemOpen });

            /* Create a button item using its constructor and add the button item to the 'Print' group.
             * The constructor automatically adds the new item to the RibbonControl's Items collection.
            BarButtonItem itemPrint = new BarButtonItem(ribbon.Manager, "Print")
                Id = ribbon.Manager.GetNewItemId(),
                RibbonStyle = RibbonItemStyles.Large
            itemPrint.ImageOptions.SvgImage = svgImageCollection1["print"];
            itemPrint.ItemClick += ItemClick;

            // Create a button item using the default constructor.
            BarButtonItem itemPreview = new BarButtonItem()
                Caption = "Preview",
                RibbonStyle = RibbonItemStyles.Large,
                Id = ribbon.Manager.GetNewItemId(),
            itemPreview.ImageOptions.SvgImage = svgImageCollection1["preview"];
            itemPreview.ItemClick += ItemClick;
            // Add the 'Preview' item to the RibbonControl's Items collection.

            groupPrint.ItemLinks.AddRange(new BarItem[] { itemPrint, itemPreview });

            // Create a status bar with the 'Print' command.
            RibbonStatusBar ribbonStatusBar = new RibbonStatusBar(ribbon)
                Parent = this
            BarItemLink linkPrint = ribbonStatusBar.ItemLinks.Add(itemPrint);
            linkPrint.UserRibbonStyle = RibbonItemStyles.SmallWithoutText;
            linkPrint.UserAlignment = BarItemLinkAlignment.Right;

        void ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            XtraMessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} command clicked.", e.Item.Caption), "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);


See Also