TreeListViewCommands Properties
Provides access to the TreeListView‘s built-in commands.Name | Description |
AddFormatCondition | Adds a format condition. |
AddNewNode | Adds a new node. |
BestFitColumn | Resizes the column to the minimum width required to display the column’s contents completely. |
BestFitColumns | Adjusts the width of columns so that columns fit their contents in an optimal way. |
CancelChildNodesFetching | Cancels the fetch child nodes async operation that is executed when a user expands a node. |
CancelEditFocusedRow | Hides the active editor, discarding all the changes made within the focused row. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
CancelRowChanges | Discards the edited row’s changes. |
ChangeColumnsSortOrder | Toggles a column’s sort order. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ChangeNodeCheckState | Toggles a node’s check state. |
ChangeNodeExpanded | Specifies the expanded state of a node (expanded or collapsed). |
CheckAllNodes | Checks all nodes. |
ClearFilter | Clears the filter. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ClearFormatConditionsFromAllColumns | Clears format conditions from all columns. |
ClearFormatConditionsFromColumn | Clears format conditions from the specified column. |
CloseEditForm | Posts all changes to the data source and closes the Edit Form. |
CollapseAllNodes | Collapses all nodes. |
DeleteFocusedRow | Deletes the focused row. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
DeleteSelectedRows | Deletes selected rows. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
EditFocusedRow | Activates the focused cell’s in-place editor. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
EndEditFocusedRow | Hides the active editor and posts all the changes made within the focused row to a data source if the row values are valid. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ExpandAllNodes | Expands all nodes. |
ExpandToLevel | Expands the parent nodes down to the specified nesting level. |
HideColumnChooser | Hides the Column Chooser. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
HideEditForm | Cancels all changes and closes the Edit Form. |
HideSearchPanel | Hides the Search Panel. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
IncrementalSearchEnd | Ends incremental search. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
IncrementalSearchMoveNext | Allows to programmatically focus the next incremental search result. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
IncrementalSearchMovePrev | Allows to programmatically focus the previous incremental search result. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
IndentSelectedNodes | Indents selected nodes. |
MoveFirstCell | Moves focus to the first cell displayed within the first visible row. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
MoveFirstRow | Moves focus to the first visible row or card within a View. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
MoveLastCell | Moves focus to the last cell displayed within the last visible row. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
MoveLastRow | Moves focus to the last visible row or card. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
MoveNextCell | Focuses the next cell after the focused cell. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
MoveNextPage | Moves focus forward by the number of rows or cards displayed onscreen within a View. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
MoveNextRow | Moves focus to the row or card following the one currently focused. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
MovePrevCell | Focuses the cell preceding the focused cell. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
MovePrevPage | Moves focus backward by the number of rows or cards displayed onscreen within a View. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
MovePrevRow | Moves focus to the row or card preceding the one currently focused. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
OutdentSelectedNodes | Outdents selected nodes. |
RefreshDataSource | Refreshes the grid’s ItemsSource. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
SearchResultNext | Allows to programmatically focus the next search result. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
SearchResultPrev | Allows to programmatically focus the previous search result. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ShowAboveAverageFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Above Average’ format condition dialog. |
ShowADateOccurringFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘A Date Occuring’ format condition dialog. |
ShowBelowAverageFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Below Average’ format condition dialog. |
ShowBetweenFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Between’ format condition dialog. |
ShowBottom10ItemsFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Bottom 10 Items’ format condition dialog. |
ShowBottom10PercentFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Bottom 10 Percent’ format condition dialog. |
ShowColumnChooser | Invokes the Column Chooser. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ShowConditionalFormattingManager | Shows the conditional formatting rules manager. |
ShowCustomConditionFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Custom Condition’ format condition dialog. |
ShowDataUpdateFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Data Update’ format condition dialog. |
ShowEditForm | Shows the edit form in a mode specified by the TreeListView.EditFormShowMode property. |
ShowEqualToFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Equal To’ format condition dialog. |
ShowFilterEditor | Shows the Filter Editor. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ShowFixedTotalSummaryEditor | Invokes the Fixed Summary Editor. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ShowGreaterThanFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Greater Than’ format condition dialog. |
ShowLessThanFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Less Than’ format condition dialog. |
ShowNodeFooterSummaryEditor | Invokes the Node Footer Summary Editor. |
ShowPrintPreview | Invokes the Print Preview. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ShowPrintPreviewDialog | Invokes the modal Print Preview. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ShowRibbonPrintPreview | Invokes the Print Preview with the Ribbon. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ShowRibbonPrintPreviewDialog | Invokes the modal Print Preview with the Ribbon. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ShowSearchPanel | Shows the Search Panel. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ShowTextThatContainsFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Text That Contains’ format condition dialog. |
ShowTop10ItemsFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Top 10 Items’ format condition dialog. |
ShowTop10PercentFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Top 10 Percent’ format condition dialog. |
ShowTotalSummaryEditor | Invokes the Runtime Summary Editor for the specified column. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ShowUnboundExpressionEditor | Invokes the Expression Editor that enables editing an expression for the specified unbound column. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase. |
ShowUniqueDuplicateRuleFormatConditionDialog | Invokes the ‘Duplicate Values’ format condition dialog. |
UncheckAllNodes | Unchecks all nodes. |
UpdateRow | Posts the edited row’s changes to the datasource. |
See Also