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BarItemLinkControlProperties Members

A set of properties that describe the BarItem’s visual states.


Name Description
BarItemLinkControlProperties() Initializes a new instance of the BarItemLinkControlProperties class.


Name Description
ContainerTypeProperty static Identifies the BarItemLinkControlProperties.ContainerType attached property.
GlyphSizeProperty static Identifies the BarItemLinkControlProperties.GlyphSize attached property.
IsMouseOverProperty static Identifies the BarItemLinkControlProperties.IsMouseOver attached property.
IsPressedProperty static Identifies the BarItemLinkControlProperties.IsPressed attached property.
RibbonStyleProperty static Identifies the BarItemLinkControlProperties.RibbonStyle attached property.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetContainerType(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the ContainerType attached property to a specified element.
GetGlyphSize(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the GlyphSize attached property to a specified element.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetIsMouseOver(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the IsMouseOver attached property to a specified element.
GetIsPressed(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the IsPressed attached property to a specified element.
GetRibbonStyle(DependencyObject) static Gets the value of the GetRibbonStyle(DependencyObject) attached property to a specified element.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.

Attached Properties

Name Description
ContainerType static Gets the type of container that displays the current baritem. This is the attached property.
GlyphSize static Gets the element’s glyph size. This is the attached property.
IsMouseOver static Gets whether the mouse cursor is over the item. This is a dependency property.
IsPressed static Gets whether the item is currently being pressed. This is a dependency property.
RibbonStyle static Gets the BarItem’s RibbonStyle property.
See Also