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BarDockInfo Fields

Contains information on the dock position of a bar.
Name Description
BarProperty static Identifies the BarDockInfo.Bar dependency property.
ColumnProperty static Identifies the BarDockInfo.Column dependency property.
ContainerNameProperty static Identifies the BarDockInfo.ContainerName dependency property.
ContainerProperty static Identifies the BarDockInfo.Container dependency property.
ContainerTypeProperty static Identifies the BarDockInfo.ContainerType dependency property.
FloatBarOffsetProperty static Identifies the BarDockInfo.FloatBarOffset dependency property.
FloatBarWidthProperty static Identifies the BarDockInfo.FloatBarWidth dependency property.
FloatingContainerName Returns the name of a floating BarContainerControl that contains the current bar.
IsFloatingProperty static Identifies the BarDockInfo.IsFloating dependency property.
OffsetProperty static Identifies the BarDockInfo.Offset dependency property.
RowProperty static Identifies the BarDockInfo.Row dependency property.
ShowHeaderInFloatBarProperty static Identifies the BarDockInfo.ShowHeaderInFloatBar dependency property.
See Also