TdxCustomTreeView.OnEdited Event
Allows you to perform specific actions when a user renames a node in an in-place editor.
property OnEdited: TdxTreeViewNodeTextEvent read; write;
This event occurs when the Tree View control applies user changes made in an in-place editor. Assign a string to the AText parameter to specify the caption edited in an in-place editor.
The following OnEdited event handler discards changes made in an in-place editor if a user assigns an empty string to a node caption:
procedure TForm1.dxTreeViewControl1Edited(Sender: TdxCustomTreeView;
ANode: TdxTreeViewNode; var AText: string);
if AText = '' then
AText := ANode.Caption;
Refer to the TdxTreeViewNodeTextEvent type description for information on available options.