TdxTreeViewNode Class
A tree view node.
TdxTreeViewNode = class(
The TdxTreeViewNode class members allow you to do the following:
Add nodes (AddChild, AddChildFirst, and AddNode).
Delete nodes (Clear, Delete, and DeleteChildren).
Check if the Tree View deletes the node (Deleting).
Access adjacent nodes (Parent, Next, Prev, GetNext, and GetPrev).
Count node children (Count).
Sort child nodes (AlphaSort and CustomSort).
Check if a node is the node’s ancestor (HasAsParent).
Expand or collapse the node (Expand, Collapse, and Expanded).
Show the expand button (HasChildren).
Manage Tree View updates (Invalidate, BeginUpdate, and EndUpdate).
Specify the node’s caption (Caption).
Open and close the node’s in-place caption editor (EditCaption and EndEdit).
Attach data to the node (Data).
Copy settings between nodes (Assign).
Focus the node (Focused).
Select and deselect the node (Selected).
Specify images displayed in the node (ImageIndex, SelectedImageIndex, ExpandedImageIndex, OverlayImageIndex, and StateImageIndex).
Manage the node’s checkbox state (Checked, CheckState, and Enabled).
Hide the node’s checkbox (HideCheckBox).
Obtain the node’s position (AbsoluteIndex, VisibleIndex, Index, and Level).
Access the tree root (Root).
Identify if the node is a root (IsRoot).
Bring the node into view (MakeVisible).
Hide or display the node (Visible).
Check if the node is visible (IsVisible).
Move the node in the tree (MoveTo).
Obtain the node’s boundaries (DisplayRect).
Highlight the node for a specific scenario (Cut and DropTarget).
Access the Tree View (Owner).
Load child nodes (LoadChildren).
Members of the TdxCustomTreeView and TdxTreeViewNodes classes reference an TdxTreeViewNode object.